
Monday 13 May 2024

Trip to Longton / Wolstanton 13-05-2024


BG61 KTJFentonHanleyCharterTravel Express
BG61 KTJHanleyFentonCharterTravel Express

Today Matthew was heading back to the residential unit, but first he was going out for dinner and doing his weekly shop. I woke Matthew uo just after 08:00 to give him his medication. Matthew got up around 09:00 and had toast and orange juice for breakfast. We chilled out at home until dinner time. As mum was running late, we decided to get dinner without her. We set off around 12:00. We got in the car and we set off through Blurton onto Beaconsfirld Drive and we turned left onto Church Road. We turned left onto Blurton Road and we ran towards Heron Cross. We joined the Westbound A50 down to Sideway. We joined the Southbound A500 and we came off at Shelton New Road and we saw First Potteries 67141 on a #101 to Stafford. We crossed over the A500 and we turned right as if to re-join the A500 and we turned right onto Garner Street. We stopped at the food truck and Matthew had a cumberland sausage ring with egg and bacon washed down with a can of Coke. When we had finished we got back into the car and we set off along Garner Street. We ran forawrds onto the sliproad and we joined the Southbound A500. We ran down to Sideway and we joined the Eastbound before comeing off at Heron Cross. We turned right onto Blurton Road and we turned right onto Church Road and we turned right onto Beaconsfield Drive and we saw First Potteries 63117 on a #22 to Longton. We got back around 12:30. Matthew had a cup of Cherry Coke and we wrote some of the Blog. Matthew used the computer and mum arrived back from Work. A short time later we went shopping. We got in the car and we set off onto the A5035. We ran through Dresdem and we saw AJS Passenger Travel BV54 AJS. We got to Longton and we crossed over the A50. We ran down The Strand and we turned left into Farmfoods. We picked up some shopping and we set off towards Asda. We set off out off farmfoods and we headd East along the high level A50. We crosse over the A50 and we headed back West towards Sideway. At Sideway we joined the Southbound A500 and we came off at the retail park in Wolstanton. As we were parking up in Asda we saw Z Carz YT17 GXA parked up.

Z Carz YT17 GXA in Wolstanton
We parked up and went to do Matthew's weekly food shop. Afterwards we returned to Blurton. We got in the car and we ran out if the retail park and we joined the Southbound A500. We ran through Etruria and Stoke and we came off the A500 at Sideway and onto the Eastbound A50. We came off the A50 onto Stanley Matthews Way and we saw Stanton's of Stoke TPY 245. We turned left onto the A5035 and we came back to Blurton. In them afternoon we chilled out writing the Blog. Matthew had a bottle of Coke and a jam tart. Just after 16:30 we got ready and we set off back to the residential unit. We set off onto Beaconsfield Drive passing silver minibus WR14 YAK. We continued along Beaconsfield Drive and we turned left onto Church Road and left again onto Blurton Road. We went through the traffic lights onto Heron Street. We carried on forwards onto Station Bridge Road we turned left onto Christchurch Street and we turned left onto Masterson Street and we saw Stafford & District Community Link DK05 ERV. We turned right onto Watkin Street and we continued onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs to his room and we put all his shopping in his cupboard or in the kitchen. Matthew had a can of Cherry Coke. Matthew chilled out on his computer and watched buses out of the window. we saw City Centre Central GL70 BLK.

City Centre Central GL70 BLK in Fenton
For tea Matthew had chicken & rice. Matthew then went out to catch a bus to Hanley. We went downstairs and it was Travel Express BG61 KTJ. We got on the bus and we set off onto Temple Street. We turned left onto Christchurch Street and we crossed over City Road onto Manor street. At the end of manor street awe turned left onto Victoria Road. We ran down to joiners Square and we crossed over the roundabout onto Lichfield Street. We crossed over the ring road and we parked up in the small car park in front of the pub. We went into the Coachmakers Arms. Matthew went to the toilet and afterwards had 1/2 a Coke. After we had finished we returned to Fenton it was Travel Express BG61 KTJ. We got on the bus and we set off onto Lichfield Street. We crossed over the ring Road and we ran down to Joiners Square. We crossed the roundabout onto Victoria Road and we ran up the hill into Fenton. At the roundabout we turned sharp right onto City Road and left onto Smithpool Road. We turned left onto Temple Street and we went to his room and chilled out. We went upstairs and Matthew went to his room. He watched television and used his computer. Later on Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

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