
Tuesday 2 July 2024

Trip to Newcastle / Trentham 02-07-2024


67147Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS11First Potteries
35935Newcastle BSTrentham Gardens101First Potteries
35935Trentham, Poachers Cottage PHNewcastle BS101First Potteries
67149Newcastle BSFenton, Smithpool Road11First Potteries
112Fenton, adj Travers CourtStoke, stop Q1D&G Bus
67153Stoke, adj stop MFenton, Smithpool Road11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the day centre, we saw Shelton Care Group YS70 KWG. We went downstairs and we set off on foot to the bus stop. We walked onto Temple Street and right onto Christchurch Street. We continued up City Road and we saw Afford rent-a-car YN23 HHK outside there yard. We carried on down the road and we waited for a bus towards Newcastle. A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 67147 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 67147 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. After a brief stop in Stoke we continued along church Street and forwards onto Hartshill Road. We ran up the hill and into Hartshill. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. A few minutes later we saw First Potteries 63101 on a #4A to Talke Pits.

First Potteries 63101 in Newcastle bus station
On Stubbs Lane. It was Copeland's Tours MIB 104 parked up.

Copeland's Tours MIB 104 in Newcastle bus station
We walked out of the bus station and we waited for a bus towards Trentham Gardens. Eventually the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 35935 on a #101 to Stafford.

First Potteries 35935 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Trentham Garden before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station onto Barracks Road. We ran Southwards onto the A34 and we ran down through Trent Vale and into Hanford. We continued down through to Trentham where we saw ABC Supreme KX64 AFF. Near to the old entrance to the gardens we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we went to across the road the road and into Trentham Gardens. We walked around the North end of the lake and we went to Totally delicious. Matthew had a ham sandwich washed down with bottle of Coke. After finishing eating Matthew went to the toilet. Once we had finished eating we walked back through the main gate and onto the A34 opposite the A5035. We turned left and walked along the A34 to the old Gardens entrance where the bus stop is situated. We waited for a bus back towards Newcastle. A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 35935 on a #101 to Hanley. We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off Northwards through Trentham. We continued North through Hanford and Trent Vale and we past the City General hospital before going into Newcastle. We turned right onto Barracks Road and we entered the bus station from the South end. We got up and got off the bus. Once in the bus station we waited for a bus back to Fenton. We walked out of the bus station onto Castle Walk and we past the former Poundland. We continued down Castle Walk and up onto Ironmarket. We turned left onto High Street past the old Santander bank which has now closed. Once we had finished we walked down High Street and we turned left onto Barracks Road and we veered left onto Stubbs Street and we returned to the bus station and we waited for a bus to Hanley. A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 67149 on a #11 to Hanley.

First Potteries 67149 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto Barracks Road and we ran up to the Jubilee roundabout. We ran onto the A53 and around the one-way system onto the A52. We ran up George Street into Hartshill and we ran down the hill into Stoke town centre. After a brief stop we continued along Church Street out of Stoke and over the A500. We ran under the railway line and we continued onto City Road. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. We crossed over city Road and walked back to the residential unit. Matthew went back upstairs to chill out in his room and use his computer and watch buses out of the window. We went downstairs and we and we cut through onto and cut through onto City Road and we saw Afford rent-a-car DN21 SOH outside there yard. On Elsing Street we saw Afford rent-a-car YP23 FHK parked up by the garage.

Afford rent-a-car YP23 FHK in Fenton
A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was D&G Bus 112 on a #1A to Wood Lane. We got on the bus and we booked to Stoke before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. We got off the bus and we crossed over Church Street and we walked around the corner onto Campbell Place and we walked up to Sainsbury's. Matthew brought a valentine's day card in Sainsbury's and afterwards we walked back along Campbell Place and we turned right onto Church Street. A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw that it was First Potteries 67146 on a #11 to Hanley.

First Potteries 67146 in Stoke
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto Church Street out of Stoke and over the A500. We ran under the railway line and we continued onto City Road. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. We walked back to the residential unit. Matthew went up to his room and chilled out on his computer. Matthew chilled out on his computer and watched buses out of the window. For tea Matthew had sausage and potatoes followed by a cake bar. He chilled out in his room and watched TV. He watched television and used his computer. Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

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