Bus | From | To | Service | Operator |
40100 | Chester BS | Huntington | 5 | First Potteries |
40100 | Huntington | Chester BS | 5 | First Potteries |
40128 | Chester BS | Ellesmere Port BS | 3 | First Potteries |
60107 | Ellesmere Port BS | Chester BS | 1 | First Potteries |
50055 | Chester BS | Dorset place, Kingsway | 53 | First Potteries |
50023 | Dorset Place, KingswayBS | Chester BS | 53 | First Potteries |
50047 | Chester BS | Gorse Stacks | 53 | First Potteries |
We started the day in the bed and breakfast. We all had a full cooked breakfast except Uncle dave who had a sausage sandwich. As often is the case Matthew photographed his breakfast.

Breakfast...Looks nice doesn't it? (Matt)
After breakfast we walked the short distance to the bus station to see what was working. Almost immediately 40100 appeared in the bus station and sat at the top waiting to work it's next turn.

40100 in Chester Bus station (Matt)
Eventually, the blind was set for #5 and Huntington. We booked First day rover tickets and boarded the bus. The inside was in really good condition considering the buses age, and it had all the original high back, well upholstered seats. The bus travelled fairly lightly load to it's destination, but it was quite early on a Saturday morning. At destination end we booked Matthews return ticket and Matthew took a picture of the interior of this nice bus.

Inside 40100 (Matt)
Sometimes drivers like it when you have an interested in the vehicles that they drive on a day to day basis and this was one such occasion, As we had a few minutes before we were due to travel back to Chester, we talked about this bus, Chesterbus, high Floor buses coming to an end and Pensions. Matthew also got out to take a good picture of the bus.

40100 standing at the end point in Huntington (Matt)
Eventually we set off back taking a slightly different route until we met back up with the road we ran along on the outward journey. When we got back to Chester bus station Matthew spotted another high floor dart in the form of 40128 on the #3 Rivacre. So off we went again...

40128 in Ellesmere Port bus station (Matt)
When we arrived at Ellesmere Port, I can't remember if the wasn't much out or Matthew just fancied a ride on 60107. either way that was the bus we returned to Chester on. At Chester we stood a while and took some more bus pictures. One such bus photographed was 41068 working a service #26

41068 in Chester bus station (Matt)
We decided that we would go shortly, but before we went I thought it would be a good idea for Matthew to catch a couple of Mercedes minibuses. We got timetables for the #53 to Kingsway and we decide to do a bus out and then wait for the next bus to return as the buses were fairly frequent. First bus to make an appearance on the #53 was 50055 which we did to the end of the route.

50055 returning to Chester along Kingsway (Matt)
We got off the bus and did it to the end. for some reason on the return we walked to the next stop which is only about 100 Yds away. Matthew then photographed the next bus running up to the end, before it turned and then picked us up.

50023 on Kingsway heading to the terminus (Matt)
After we returned to Chester, to end the day we did one last bus to gorse Stacks where we met up with mum before driving home.

50047 on Gorse Stacks (Matt)
All in all a very successful trip, with the only regret that we didn't travel on a Ikarus bodied DAF when we had the chance... Mark