Thursday, 30 July 2009

Trip to Uttoxeter 30-07-2009


2029Uttoxeter BSSudbury, Portway Head1Arriva Midlands
2324Sudbury, Portway HeadUttoxeter BS1AArriva Midlands
2049Uttoxeter BSThe Heath, New Road (adj)4Arriva Midlands
2324The Heath, New Road (adj)Uttoxeter BS4Arriva Midlands
2043Uttoxeter BSSudbury, Portway Head1Arriva Midlands
2390Sudbury, Portway HeadUttoxeter BS1AArriva Midlands
65026Uttoxeter BSWerrington PO32AFirst Potteries

Originally, I'd taken the 29th of july off work, in order to take Matthew to Uttoxetter to travel on the 184 from Uttoxetter to Weston Coyney. Unfortunately it absolutely chucked it down all. At this point in time on Thursday I only worked until 12:30 so it was decided to take Matthew out on the 30th instead. Research consisted of downloading the Uttoxetter town map from the Staffordshire gov website and printing out a few timetables. Back home for around 12:45, we must have spent some time getting ready because we arrive in Uttoxetter around 14:00. One of the first buses we saw was Arriva Midlands 2049 on the #4 Outer Circle service...

2049 in Uttoxetter bus station on the #4 Outer Circle service (Matt)

Inside 2029 as we boarded on the Burton bus (Matt)

2029 departs Portway Head towards Burton (Matt)

In on coach Sudbury Burton 1A

2324 in Uttoxeter bus station (matt)

We then saw Arriva 2045 arrive to work a. Having looked at the timetable and seem a 30 minutes frequency, I asked the driver out long it took to travel out and back on this bus to which he replied "half an hour". So to keep Matthew occupied whilst waiting for the 409, we decided to do this bus to and Back.

2049 in Uttoxeter bus station again on the #4 Outer Circle service (Matt)

2049 disapears into the distance from the Tesco Express

2043 in Uttoxeter bus station (matt)

He also photographed a few other buses the best of which was sitting in the late afternoon sunshine. rolled up and we promptly boarded this bus for a brisk run up to Leek. At we had around 30 Minutes to kill, Matthew sat good as gold and ate sausage sandwiches!

2390 approches the Portway Head stop en route to Uttoxeter (Matt)

So Matthew had a short ride on 65026 back to Werrington. After this there was just time for him to buy £22.50's worth of photographs before returning to the car...

Monday, 27 July 2009

Trip to Crewe & Nantwich 27-07-2009


7647Crewe BSNantwich BS84AArriva NW&W
117Nantwich BSCrewe BS45D&G
7Crewe BSParker Road21D&G
60063Parker RoadCrewe BS20First Potteries
154Crewe BSKeele Village85AD&G

Matthew was in the middle of his, and we saw this as the perfect opportunity to take him to ride on the we drove to Crewe and parked in the Delamere street car park opposite the bus station. Mum went to do a bitt of shopping and we had arround 30 minutes in the bus station, in which Matthew took a few bus pictures.

7647 in Crewe bus station (Matt)

Inside 7647 (Matt)

D&G 117 in Nantwich bus station (Matt)

859 in Crewe bus station (Matt)

D&G 7 in Crewe bus station (Matt)

D&G 154 in Keele Village (Matt)

Details to follow...