Friday, 31 January 2025

Trip to Newcastle / Hanley 31-01-2025


6009Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS1AD&G Bus
63172Newcastle BSHanley BS39First Potteries
67172Hanley BSFenton, Victoria Place6AFirst Potteries
108Fenton, adj Travers CourtStoke, stop Q1D&G Bus
6010Stoke, stop QNewcastle, Opp Cherry Tree1AD&G Bus

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going to Blurton and Grandmas. He was also going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had his medication and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went out he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the Hanley and we saw grey minibus HN24 AMO going towards Stoke. We went downstairs and we and we cut through onto City Road to wait a bus to Newcastle. At the Afford garage we saw Afford rent-a-car YP23 MTJ parked up.

Afford rent-a-car YP23 MTJ in Fenton
We continued to the bus stop and waited for the bus. A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was D&G Bus 6009 on a #1A to Wood Lane.

D&G Bus 6009 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre. We continued along Church Street onto Hartshill Road and into the centre of Hartshill. We turned left into the Avenue and left again onto Hilton Road before turning right into the City General Hospital. As we travelled through the hospital we saw MT Travel CK22 YFM. Once through the hospital we turned right onto the A34 and we ran into Newcastle. We crossed the roundabout and we ran up Barracks Road and into the bus station from the South end. Once we got to the bus station we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we went up Castle Walk and onto Ironmarket. We visited the bank and went to the cash machine. After getting some money we set off along Ironmarket and we turned left onto High Street. We walked down to the bottom and we visited the chip shop. Matthew had sausage chips and gravy and a can of Coke. We cut through onto Stubbs Street and to the bus station. Matthew sat down and ate his sausage chips and gravy and had his can of Coke. Afterwards Matthew went around the bus station to the toilet. We then waited for a bus to Hanley. A short time later a bus came on stand. We saw it was First Potteries 63172 on a #39 to Hanley.

First Potteries 63172 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley before we sat down near to the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station and onto Barracks Road. We crossed the Jubilee Roundabout and onto the A53. We ran into Basford and over the A500. We ran down into Etruria and over the A500. We continued along the A53 and we turned left onto Forge Lane. We ran out along the Lane and we crossed over the canal before we returned back into Etruria along festival Way. We crossed under the A53 onto Etruria Road. We turned right onto the ring road and we ran around anti-clockwise to Bethesda Street. We turned right onto John Street and we ran up the hill to the bus station. We got up and got off the bus and Matthew visited the toilet. In the bus station we saw First Potteries 63103 on a #8 to Ball Green. A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 67172 on a #6A to Blythe Bridge.

First Potteries 67172 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before we sat down. We set off out of the bus station onto John Street and we turned left onto Bethesda Street. We turned left onto the ring road and we turned right onto Lichfield Street and past the site of the new Kick Zone play centre. We crossed over Joiners Square. We crossed the roundabout onto Victoria Road and we ran up the hill into Fenton. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we set off on foot up Victoria Road and we went sharp right onto City Road. We saw the site of the new burger King opposite to KFC. We continued down towards the flat and we cut through onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs and Matthew chilled out in his room to wait for me to pick him up. We saw Sporting Stars VO72 XTA. A short time later I came to pick Matthew up. He came downstairs and we cut through onto City Road. We saw Afford rent-a-car BG72 UDV parked up. We waited for a bus towards Newcastle. A short time later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was D&G Bus 108 on a #1 to Park Site.

D&G Bus 108 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Stoke before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. The driver asked everone to get off the bus as there was a #1A right behind. We got off the bus and the other bus pulled up behind us. We saw it was D&G Bus 6010 on a #1A to Audley

D&G Bus 6010 in Stoke
We got on the bus and we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off along Church Street and off up the hill along Hartshill Road. We passed the Noah's Ark pub and Just after the pub we turned left by the Co-operative Food store and we headed to the hospital. As we travelled through the hospital we saw First Potteries 35943 on a #25 to Hanley. We bounced our way through the hospital grounds over the severe speed bumps and we joined the North bound A34. A couple of stops up the road we got up and got off the bus. On the way up to Grandma's house we saw D&G Bus 6005 on a #9 to Westbury Park.

D&G Bus 6005 in Newcastle
We walked up the hill to Grandma's house. At Grandma's Matthew had toast and a can of Irn Bru and used her computer. When it was time to go we went to the pub in the car via uncle Dave's house. We set off just after 17:30 and we set off onto Victoria Street. We turned left onto the A34. As we approached the hospital we saw First Potteries 63357 on a #22 to Longton. We turned left onto The Avenue end we turned right onto Hartshill Road. We ran down to Stoke and onto the one way system. We turned right onto Elenora Street and we followed the road around onto Copeland Street. We ran forwards onto Glebe Street and we followed the one way system onto Church Street. We crossed over the A500 and we turned right onto the A500 and we veered left into Fenton to pick up uncle Dave. We set off back down towards Stoke and onto the A500. We turned left onto Church Street and and we went around the one-way system. We turned left onto London Road and we headed into the West End, and we ran past the former Oak Tree pub which has now been demolished work has started. We ran to the end of London Road and we sat at the light waiting to turn right onto the A34. We continued up to the pub and we parked up. We walked into the pub and Matthew had a brunch with oatcakes followed by toffee sponge pudding with ice cream. Whilst we ate highlights of the passing buses included First Potteries 63360 on a #101 to Stafford. Once we had finished eating we set off We carried on along the A34 through Hanford and into Trentham. We turned left onto the A5035 and we crossed over the railway line and into Blurton. We got back around 19:00. Matthew chilled out on his computer and we sorted a few things out. Matthew had a can of Cherry Coke. We wrote the Blog. Later on we dropped uncle Dave off back at home. We got in the car and we set off through Burton and we ran along Beaconsfield Drive. We turned left onto Church Street and left onto Blurton Road. We crossed over the A50 and we ran into Heron Cross lights. We turned left onto Grove Road and we ran forwards onto Wheildon Road. We dropped off uncle Dave and we ran back up Wheildon Road and forwards onto Grove Road. We turned right onto Blurton Road and we crossed over the A50. We ran through Blurton and at the roundabout we veered right onto Church Street. We turned right onto the A5035 and back to Blurton. Later on we did some more of the Blog and Matthew had a cup of Cherry Coke. We chilled out on the sofa until bedtime around 00:00... Mark

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Trip to Hanley / Kidsgrove 30-01-2025


44511Fenton, Lordship LaneHanley BS6AFirst Potteries
63172Hanley BSKidsgrove, Meadows Road103First Potteries
63116Kidsgrove, St Johns RCHanley BS38AFirst Potteries
67157Hanley BSFenton, Smithpool Road23First Potteries
6008Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS1D&G Bus
63114Newcastle BSFenton, Smithpool Road11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the day centre. Later on we went downstairs and we set off onto City Road and we saw Afford rent-a-car MJ71 DFZ outside there yard. We crossed over the old Leek railway line and we turned right onto the private road on which the baths are situated By the baths we saw Copeland's Tours MIB 394. We continued onto Victoria Road and we saw First Potteries 44514 on a #6A to Blythe Bridge. As it got closer we saw that it was dud First Potteries 44511 on a #6A to Hanley. We got on the bus and we booked the Hanley before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off down Victoria Road and towards Joiners Square. At the roundabout we went forwards onto Lichfield Street. We turned left onto the ring road and we turned right onto Bethesda Street and right onto John Street and into the bus station we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus Matthew got a picture of First Potteries 44511 before it returned towards Leek.

First Potteries 44511 in Hanley bus station
Matthew went to the toilet. A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 63172 on a #103 to Crewe.

First Potteries 63172 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Kidsgrove before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station and onto John Street. We turned right onto Bethesda Street and we ran forwards onto Marsh Street. We turned right onto Trinity Street and left onto Stafford Street. We turned left onto New Hall Street and we re-joined Marsh Street. We ran forwards onto the A50 and we ran through Cobridge up to Burslem. We ran into the centre of town past the old Lloyds bank and onto Scotia Road past the Lidl. We turned left onto Williamson Street and right onto Tunstall High Street. We continued up the High Street past the City Centre Central depot and past the Tesco Express. We ran to towards Goldenhill and down the hill into Kidsgrove where we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we walked around the corner onto the B5371. As we turned into the B5371 and we headed into Kidsgrove Methodist Church. Matthew to the toilet and I ordered the food. Matthew had a breakfast washed down with a can of Coke. After we had finished eating we walked down the B5371 to the Hanley bus stop. Whilst we waited we saw D&G Bus 38 on a #95 to Biddulph. A short time later we saw the bus come around the corner. It was First Potteries 63116 on a #38A to Hanley.

First Potteries 63116 in Kidsgrove
We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley. As the bus was empty Matthew took a picture inside First Potteries 63116 before we sat down.

Inside First Potteries 63116
The bus set off down the the B5371 and we turned right onto the A50. We ran up the hill into Goldenhill and then forwards through Sandyford past the new retail park into Tunstall. We ran down the High Street. We continued down the High Street and we ran past the former Co-operative bank. We turned left onto Williamson Street. At the roundabout we turned right onto Scotia Road and we ran into Burslem town centre. We ran past the site of the new Kiln Gate Retail park and we continued into Cobridge and down into Hanley. We joined Hope Street and we ran forwards to Stafford Street. We turned right at the end past the town hall and onto Bagnall Street before entering the bus station we got up and got off the bus. We waited for a bus to Newcastle. A few minutes later a bus appeared and it was First Potteries 67157 on a #23 to Newstead.

First Potteries 67157 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off through the bus station. and onto John Street. We turned right onto Bethesda Street and left onto Broad Street. We ran down the hill and over the ring road onto Snow Hill Before we turned left onto Copeland Street. We continued forwards onto Glebe Street and we followed the road around onto Church Street. We crossed the A500 and we ran under the railway line and we continued onto City Road. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. We crossed over city Road and wwe got a Lucky Seven taxi up to Fenton. We set off along City Road and we joined the Northbound A500 and we ran through Stoke and Etruria. We continued past Longport and we joined the A527. We ran past the North end of Tunstall and we stopped to have a look at the new business park on James Brindley Way and past the Tesco Express. We ran to towards Goldenhill and down the hill into Kidsgrove. We continued North through Church Lawton into Rode Heath and out the other side We passed the Stanway's depot and we continued North to Holmes Chapel and we continued Northwards to Knutsford and we got up and got off the bus. Matthew used the toilet and we returned to the bus station. We walked onto Toft Road and we turned right onto Princess Street. we turned right onto Canute Place and we headed over the Plaza to the Sainsbury's local shop. In the shop we brought a can of Coke and a couple of bars of chocolate as well as a Drumstick lolly. Once we had finished we walked back down Canute Place. We forwards through Princess Street and we turned right onto Toft Road. We forwards through Stanley Road and we forwards through Cranford Avenue and we forwards through Westfield Drive. Matthew went into the building and used the toilet. He spent the afternoon on the trampoline. We set off onto Westfield Drive and left onto Cranford Avenue and turned right onto Stanley Road and we turned right onto the A50 and we traveled South through Holmes Chapel and down into Kidsgrove. We carried on South towards Tunstall and we turned left onto the A527. In Fegg Hayes we turned right onto Oxford Street and we ran through Chell Heath past Matthew's old school. In Smallthorne we turned right onto Ford Green Road and at the roundabouts we turned left onto the A5272. We followed the road through Sneyd Green and Northwood and down to Bucknall. We turned right onto the A52 and at Joiners Square roundabout we turned left onto Victoria Road. At the top of the hill we turned right onto City Road and we ran down the hill to Smithpool Road. We turned left and left again onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs to his room and chilled out in his room and use his computer and watch buses out of the window. Matthew also drank a can of Cherry Coke. Later on Matthew chilled out in his room. We went downstairs and we and we cut through onto City Road to wait a bus to Newcastle. A few minutes later we saw Afford rent-a-car YR24 VYW. A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was D&G Bus 6008 on a #1 to Park Site.

D&G Bus 6008 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre. We continued along Church Street onto Hartshill Road and into the centre of Hartshill. We turned left into the Avenue and left again onto Hilton Road before turning right into the City General Hospital. As we travelled through the hospital we saw First Potteries 67153 on a #22 to Longton and Travel Express LK67 FWJ. Once through the hospital we turned right onto the A34 and we ran into Newcastle. We crossed the roundabout and we ran up Barracks Road and into the bus station from the South end. Once we got to the bus station we got up and got off the bus. Once we got off the bus. We walked out of the bus station. We set off onto Hassell Street and we turned right onto High Street and we stopped at McDonalds. Matthew had a burger and fries washed down with a cup of Coke. Once we had finished we walked down High Street and we walked onto Hassell Street and we continued onwards to the bus station. Eventually the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 63114 on a #11 to Hanley.

First Potteries 63114 in Newcastle bus station
We got on bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto Barracks Road and we ran up to the Jubilee roundabout. We ran onto the A53 and around the one-way system onto the A52. We ran up George Street into Hartshill and we ran down the hill into Stoke town centre. After a brief stop we continued along Church Street out of Stoke and over the A500. We ran under the railway line and we continued onto City Road. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. We crossed over city Road and walked back to the residential unit. Matthew went back upstairs to chill out in his room and use his computer and watched music videos on the Television. Later on Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Trip to Longton / Hanley 29-01-2025


63363Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS11First Potteries
35932Newcastle BSHanley BS25First Potteries
67145Hanley BSFenton, Victoria Place11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to barbers he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the barbers, we saw Temple Street Church RX18 GZW. We went downstairs and Transport for the trip was an Intercity taxi. We set off onto Temple Street and we turned right onto Smithpool Road. and we turned right onto City Road. We ran forwards onto King Street and we ran past the site of the new Burger King. We continued up through Foley and into Longton. We turned right onto Baths Road and we turned into Tesco. We got out of the taxi and we visited Carphone Warehouse. We crossed over Strand and carried on Eastwards and crossed over before walking up into the car park and into B&M. At B&M Matthew brought some P20 suntan lotion. After doing his shopping. We walked back to Fenton. We got an Intercity taxi back to Fenton. We set off down The Strand and we ran under the railway line onto King Street. We ran through Foley into Fenton and forwards onto City Road. We turned left onto Glebedale Road and we ran along Baker Street onto Christchurch Street. We turned left onto Christchurch Street and right onto Masterson Street. We turned right onto Watkin Street and onto Temple Street to go back to the residential unit. We went upstairs and Matthew chilled out in his room. Matthew chilled out in his room on his computer. For dinner he had sausage rolls followed by a slice of cheesecake. We went downstairs and we and we cut through onto City Road to wait a bus to Newcastle. At the Afford garage we saw Afford rent-a-car CN68 JXE parked up. We continued to the stop outside the flats and we waited for a bus to Newcastle. A short time later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 63363 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 63363 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. After a brief stop in Stoke we continued along church Street and forwards onto Hartshill Road. We ran up the hill and into Hartshill. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus Matthew went to the toilet. We walked along Castle Walk to Home Bargains and Matthew bought a drink.Afterwards we walked back to the bus station. Afterwards we waited for a bus to Hanley. A short time later we saw First Potteries 67142 on a #99 to Chell Heath.

First Potteries 67142 in Newcastle bus station
A short time later we saw a bus on stand, We saw it was First Potteries 35932 on a #25 to Hanley.

First Potteries 35932 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley before we went upstairs and sat down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off out of the bus station onto barracks Road and we ran down onto the Southbound A34 and we turned left and we traveled through the hospital we saw Travel Express SJ18 OZO. We came out of the hospital and turned left onto Hilton Road. We ran into Hartshill and we turned right onto the A52. We continued onto Albany Road and we turned right onto The Avenue. At the end of the road we turned right onto the A52 and we ran through Hartshill and down the hill into Stoke town centre. We went forwards onto and along Church Street. After a brief stop we continued along the A52, over the A500 and under the railway line. We followed the A52 and we ran past the railway station to joiners Square. We turned left onto Lichfield Street and we turned left onto the ring road and we turned right onto Bethesda Street and right onto John Street and into the bus station and we got up and got off the bus. Afterwards we waited for a bus towards Fenton. A few minutes later we saw D&G Bus 149 on a #40 to Newstead.

D&G Bus 149 in Hanley bus station
A short time later we saw a bus on stand. We saw it was First Potteries 67145 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 67145 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton we sat down. We set off up set off onto John Street and we turned left onto Bethesda Street. We turned left onto the ring road and left onto Lichfield Street and we turned right onto Birch Terrace. We followed the road around onto Charles Street and we turned right onto Old Hall Street. We crossed over the ring road onto Bucknall New Road. We ran down the hill through Limekiln lights and we turned right onto Dividy Road. We turned left onto Beverley Drive and right onto Dawlish Drive. We ran through the estate and back onto the A5272. We ran up to Adderley Green and we saw First Potteries 35271 parked in the garage. At the roundabout we turned right onto Anchor Road. We turned right onto Bambury Street and we ran to the end we turned left onto Galsworthy Road and left onto Heathcote Street. We turned right onto Longley Road and left onto Ashwood. We turned right onto Anchor Road and we ran under the railway line. We turned left onto Markets Street and we followed the one-way system onto Commerce Street and right onto The Strand. After a brief stop we ran down the Strand and under the railway line onto King Street. We continued down through Fenton and forwards onto City Road. We went past KFC and we got up and got off. We walked down City Road and we turned right onto onto Glebedale Road and we walked along Baker Street. We turned right onto Christchurch Street. We returned onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. When Matthew got back we went upstairs and went up to his room to chill out and use the computer. Matthew also watched buses out of the window. Matthew went out to visit the post office. We went downstairs and we set off onto Temple Street. We turned left onto Christchurch Street and we went to the Post Office. Matthew bought a some shopping and afterwards returned to the residential unit. We set off on to Christchurch Street and we turned left onto Temple Street. We returned to the residential unit and we went upstairs to his room to chill out and watch buses out of the window. For tea Matthew had a lasagne and chips followed by cake. Matthew went downstairs and and went to Bucknall in a car. We set off onto Temple Street and we turned right onto Smithpool Road. We turned left onto City Road and we ran down the hill into Stoke, We turned right onto the A52 and we ran alongside the railway line. We ran past the railway station and we headed to Joiners Square. We continued along the A52 to Bucknall and we turned right to follow the A52. We stopped at the pub and Matthew had a glass of Coke. Afterwards Matthew went to the toilet. When we had finished we got in the car and we set off onto the A52. We turned left to follow the A52 and we ran through Joiners Square to Stoke. We passed the railway station and alongside the railway line. We turned left onto City Road and we ran up the hill into Fenton. We turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs and Matthew went back to his room. Later on Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Trip to Newcastle / Silverdale 28-01-2025


67146Fenton, adj Travers CourtHanley BS23First Potteries
63116Hanley BSNewcastle BS38First Potteries
63364Newcastle BSHanley BS39First Potteries
63345Hanley BSBentilee, Devonshire Square11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 09:00 and had toast and juice for breakfast. He chilled out in his room and watched buses out of the windown until it was time to go out. Whilst we waited to go out we went downstairs and onto Temple Street. We turned cut through onto City Road and we headed towards the bus stop. We continued down to the bus stop and whilst we waited we saw Roseville HK67 SXM. A short time later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 67146 on a #23 to Hanley. We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we joined the A52 to go under the railway line and over the A500. We continued onto Church Street. We turned right onto Shelton Old Road. We ran forwards onto Stoke Road. We ran under the railway line and up through Shelton. We ran up Broad Street and we turned right onto the anti-clockwise ring road. We turned left onto Bethesda Street and right onto John Street. We climbed the hill and up into the bus station. We got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus Matthew took another picture of First Potteries 67146 as it continues towards Trentham.

First Potteries 67146 in Hanley bus station
A short time later the bus arrived on stand. It was First Potteries 63116 on a #38 to Kidsgrove.

First Potteries 63116 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station and onto John Street. At the bottom of the road we turned right onto Bethesda Street. We turned left onto Broad Street and then we joined the clockwise ring road. At the end we turned left onto Etruria Road before going under the A53 onto Festival Way. We ran past Waterworld and we turned left onto Forge Lane past a new minibus building by the Brindley Farm pub. We looped under the A53 and we joined the Westbound A53. We crossed over the A500 at Etruria and and we ran up the hill into Basford. We ran down hill to the edge of Newcastle and we got onto the one way system. At the jubilee roundabout we turned left onto Barracks Road before turning right into the bus station. We got up and we got off the bus. We set off on foot up Hassell Street and we turned right onto High Street and we past old Edinburgh Woollen Mill which moved to the new food outlets. We visited Poundland. Matthew brought a can of Coke. We continued along High Street. We walked onto Hassell Street. We returned to the bus station and we waited for a bus to Hanley. A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 63364 on a #39 to Hanley.

First Potteries 63364 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley before we sat down towards the back of the bus. When it was time to go the bus set off out of the bus station and onto Barracks Road. We crossed the Jubilee Roundabout and onto the A53. We ran into Basford and over the A500. We ran down into Etruria and over the A500. We continued along the A53 and we turned left onto Forge Lane. We ran out along the Lane and we crossed over the canal before we returned back into Etruria along festival Way. We crossed under the A53 onto Etruria Road. We ran up the hill into Hanley and we ran forwards onto Trinity Street. We turned right onto Stafford Street and we continued past the Albion and the town Hall and we ran forwards onto Bagnall Street and into the bus station. Once off the bus Matthew went to the toilet. We set off onto Lichfield Street. We continued along Tontine Street and across Tontine Square and into Primark and the shopping centre. We went to the games room and we the Market. Matthew visited the toilet. Matthew visited the soft play area. When we had finished we returned over Tontine Square and along Tontine Street. We walked down Lichfield Street and we stopped at the bus station to use the toilet. A short time later we saw First Potteries 67179 on a #7A to Biddulph. A short time later we saw a bus come on stand. It was First Potteries 63345 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 63345 in Hanley bus station
We set off onto John Street and we turned left onto Bethesda Street. We turned left onto the ring road and left onto Lichfield Street and we turned right onto Birch Terrace. We followed the road around onto Charles Street and we turned right onto Old Hall Street. We crossed over the ring road onto Bucknall New Road. We ran down the hill through Limekiln lights. we turned right onto Dividy Road. We turned left onto Beverley Drive and right onto Dawlish Drive. We got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we set off along Dawlish Drive and we turned right onto Wellfield Road. We ran to the end and we turned left onto Dawlish Drive. We turned left onto Beverley Drive and we turned right onto Malthouse Road. We turned right onto Wooliscroft Road and left onto Corneville Road. We turned right onto Ruxley Road and right onto the A52 and and we turned left onto Eaves Lane. We turned left onto Greasley Road and continued onto Greasley Road. Before we joined the A5009 and we ran past the Cemetery to Milton and we turned left onto Millrise Road and we ran forwards onto Maunders Road and we crossed over the old railway line. We turned right onto Newford Crescent and left onto the A53. We turned into the retail park. We headed through Cobridge and we ran past the site of the new Wrights Pies shop. At the lights we turned left onto Waterloo Road. We ran down to the ring Road and then we ran around Hanley before going onto Lichfield Street. We ran down to Joiners Square and we continued onto Victoria Road. We ran up to the top and we turned sharp right onto City Road. We ran down the hill and under the railway line into Stoke. We crossed over the A500. We went around the one-way system. We ran up the hill into Hartshill. At the roundabout we ran forwards onto George Street and into Newcastle where we ran forwards onto Ryecroft. We ran forward onto Knutton Lane and we went through Knutton. We turned left onto Church Lane and we turned right onto Silverdale Street and we turned left Mill Street and we ran into Silverdale and we continued onto High Street. We turned right onto Sneyd Terrace and we turned left onto Station Road. We turned left onto St Luke's Close and we are going to build some new flats on this site. Matthew climbed up to the top of a few of the hills. when we had finished we called for a taxi back towards Fenton. we saw it was a Lucky Seven taxi. We got in the taxi and we set off along onto St Luke's Close and we turned right onto Station Road and we turned right onto Sneyd Terrace. We turned left onto High Street and forwards onto Church Lane. We turned left onto the B5368 and we ran through Knutton. We ran past Morrison into Milehouse and we turned right onto the Southbound A34. We ran past the bus garage and we veered left onto London Road. We turned left onto Ryecroft. We joined the A52 and we ran around the one way system and headed towards Hartshill. We veered left onto Shelton New Road and we joined the Southbound A500. We ran through Stoke and we came off the A500 at Sideway. We headed Eastwards towards Heron Cross and we turned right onto Blurton Road. and we veered right onto Church Street. We turned right onto Beaconfield Drive and we ran to the end. We turned left onto Finstock Avenue and up towards the shops. We turned right onto Ripon Road and at the end we turned left onto the A5035 and we headed through Dresden up to Longton. We ran along the high Level A50 and we turned right onto Baths Road. We turned right onto King Street. We ran through Foley into Fenton and forwards onto City Road. We turned left onto Smithpool Road and left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit and we went upstairs to his room to chill out and watch buses out of the window we saw Selwyns BV74 LLZ on a #540 to Burnley. We went downstairs and we set off onto City Road and we crossed over onto Manor Street for We stopped at the Fenton Community Hall and Matthew went to the toilet. Afterwards we had a drink of Coke. Matthew had a burger and fries. After we had finished we returned to the residential unit. We walked along Manor Street and we crossed over City Road and we turned right onto onto Temple Street and we returned to the residential unit. We went upstairs and back into his room. Later on Matthew chilled out in his room. He watched television and used his computer. Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Trip to Newcastle / Meir 27-01-2025


OKZ 266Fenton, Victoria PlaceLightwood Tavern50Stanton's of Stoke
OKZ 266Lightwood TavernFenton, Victoria Place50Stanton's of Stoke

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the dentist, we saw First Potteries 35932 on a PC5 to Cheadle. Later on we went downstairs and we set off Temple Street and right onto Christchurch Street. We across City Road and we saw First Potteries 63250 on a #11 to Newcastle. At the top we crossed over Victoria Road to wait for the bus at the bus stop. A few minutes later the bus turned up and it was dud Stanton's of Stoke OKZ 266 on a #50 to Lightwood. We go on the bus and we booked to Lightwood before sitting down. We set of up City Road and we turned left onto Fentpark Road. We turned right into June Road. We followed the road until the end and we turned left onto Annette Road. We turned right onto Newmount Road and left onto Goldenhill Road. We turned left onto Victoria Road and we ran through Foley into Longton. We ran under the railway bridge and we turned right into Baths Road. We turned left and we entered Longton Interchange onto Baths Road. We ran forwards onto Market Street and we followed the one-way system around onto Commerce Street. We crossed over the A50 and we headed out of Longton along Lightwood Road. At the roundabout we turned right onto the A5005 and we headed down the road into Lightwood. We got up and got off the bus. We afterwards we waited for a bus back towards Fenton. A short time later we saw Stanton's of Stoke 7239 VT on a #50 to Hanley. We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto the A5005 and we turned left onto Castileton Road. We crossed over Sandwell Place and we turned right into Starand Garter Road. We turned left onto Upper Belgrave Road onto Lightwood Road and into Longton. We crossed over the A50 and we ran down The Strand. We turned left into Baths Road and we entered Longton Transport Interchange. After a brief stop we ran out onto Baths Road and we turned left under the railway line onto King Street. We ran down through Fenton and forwards onto City Road past the new petrol station and coffee shop. We turned right into Victoria Road and we got up and got off the bus. One off the bus we set off on foot onto City Road. We turned left onto Christchurch Street. We walked back into Temple Street and to the car. We set off onto Temple Street. We turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto City Road. We ran down the hiull into Stoke and we went under the railway line. We crossed over the the A500 and we joined the Northbound carriageway. At the next junction we came off onto Shelton New Road. We ran through the cross road up to Hartshill. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and we turned right onto the A519 and we went to Morrisons. Whilst we waited we saw grey minibus SH74 FET. We walked down to the sunken Roundabout. We walked up High Street and we turned left onto Hassell Street and onto the bus station. Whilst we waited for a bus back to Fenton and we saw D&G Bus 107 on a #94B to Bradwell.

D&G Bus 107 in Newcastle bus station
Matthew to the toilet and we saw First Potteries 63172 on a #101 to Stafford.

First Potteries 63172 in Newcastle bus station
We continued down Castle Walk and we stopped at Greggs and Matthre brought a sausage roll and a bottle Dr pepper for dinner. We walked along Castle walk and we had finished eating we went next door to Barnardo's and Matthew bought some boots. We walked down Castle walk and stopped at Home Bargains. We continued up Castle Wal and we turned right Hassell Street and we turned right onto High Street. We went to Sense. We went down High Street to The Works and bought a book. We walked up High Street and we stopped at Cash Converters. We continued through the High Street and we walked down to the sunken Roundabout. We crossed under the A34 and we got in back car. We set off out of the Morrisons. We joined the Northboubnd A519 and we ran down to Newcastle. We ran forwards onto the A527. We ran past the bus station and we crossed over the roundabout onto the A53. We ran around the one way system and we went along the A52 into Hartshill. We ran down the hill into Stoke and we went around the one-way system in Stoke. We turned left onto Liverpool Road and we veered right onto Elenora Street. We turned right onto Copeland Street and we turned left onto Glebe Street. We turned right onto Lytton Street and we ran through onto City Road. We ran up the hill into Fenton and we ran forwards onto King Street. We ran through Foley and under the railway bridge into Longton. We ran forwards onto Market Street and we turned left onto Anchor Road. We turned right onto Sutherland Road and we turned left onto Weston Coyney Road. We went past the site of the former sheltered hoising complex. We turned left onto the A520 and we ran into the centre of Meir. At the roundabout we turned right and joined the Westbound A50. We ran down a couple of junction to Longton and we came off onto the high level A50. We ran down to Heron Cross and we came of the A50 and onto the link road. We ran up to City Road. We turned left onto Smithpool Road and left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs to his room Matthew chilled out on his computer and watched buses out of the window and we saw Afford rent-a-car NU72 XGV. Later on we went downstairs and we set off onto City Road and we saw AJS Passenger Travel AJ56 BUZ. We continued walking down to The Range and we did some shopping. Matthew brought a bottle of Coke. Once we had finished we walked back out onto City Road We then walked up the hill and we turned right into Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went up to his room to use his computer and watch buses out of the window. We went downstairs to the car. We set off onto Temple Street and we turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto City Road. We ran down the hill and under the railway line into Stoke. We crossed over the A500. We turned left onto Church Street and we ran around the one-way system. We turned right onto Campbell Place and left onto Hartshill Road. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station. We continued onto the Southbound A34. We headed down to the Cherry Tree where we had dinner. Matthew had a glass of Coke. Afterwards he had hunters chicken and fries followed by cheesecake and ice cream. Once we had finished eating we set off and we carried on along the A34 and we turned left onto The Avenue. Travelling up towards Hartshill. At the end we turned right onto Hartshill Road. We ran down to Stoke and onto the one way system. We turned right onto Elenora Street and we followed the road around onto Copeland Street. We ran forwards onto Glebe Street and we followed the one way system onto Church Street. We crossed over the A500 onto City Road and we went under the railway line. We ran up the hill into Fenton and we turned right onto Smithpool Road. We turned left into Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew collected a few suypplies from the car and headed upstairs. He chilled out in his room and watched TV. He had a can of Cherry Coke. He watched television and used his computer. Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Trip to Newcastle / Bucknall 26-01-2025


63111Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS11First Potteries
35940Newcastle BSHanley BS25First Potteries
63111Hanley BSBucknall, New Finney Gardens11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 09:00 and had toast and juice for breakfast. He chilled out in his room and watched buses out of the windown until it was time to go out. Whilst we waited to go out we went downstairs and onto Temple Street. We turned cut through onto City Road and we headed towards the bus stop. On the way we saw Afford rent-a-car BF24 YDM parked up at their garage.

Afford rent-a-car BF24 YDM in Fenton
We continued down to the bus stop and whilst we waited we saw First Potteries 63116 on a #23 to Newstead. A short time later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 63111 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 63111 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. After a brief stop in Stoke we continued along church Street and forwards onto Hartshill Road. We ran up the hill and into Hartshill and we ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. We got in the bus station and there was already a bus we could catch in the bus station. A few minutes later we saw First Potteries 35934 on a #25 to Keele. We waited we saw First Potteries 67141 on a #22 to Longton.

First Potteries 67141 in Newcastle bus station
A few minutes later another bus appeared. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 35940 on a #25 to Hanley. We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley before we went upstairs and sitting down. We set off out of the bus station onto Barracks Road. We ran Southwards onto the A34 and we turned left and we traveled through the hospital we saw Travel Express SJ18 OZO. We came out of the hospital and turned left onto Hilton Road. We ran into Hartshill and we turned right onto the A52. We continued onto Albany Road and we turned right onto The Avenue. At the end of the road we turned right onto the A52 and we ran through Hartshill and down the hill into Stoke town centre. We went forwards onto and along Church Street. After a brief stop we continued along the A52, over the A500 and under the railway line. We followed the A52 and we ran past the railway station to joiners Square. We turned left onto Lichfield Street and we turned left onto the ring road and we turned right onto Bethesda Street and right onto John Street and into the bus station and we got up and got off the bus. We went to the toilet and after we headed across Lichfield Street and over the ring road. We stopped at Venus Fish Bar and Matthew had sausage chips and gravy washed down with a can of Coke. After we had finished we set off across the ring road and e walked round onto Lichfield Street. We headed into the bus station and we waited for a bus towards Fenton. A few minutes later we saw First Potteries 67142 on layover. A short time later we saw a bus come on stand. It was First Potteries 63111 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 63111 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto John Street and we turned left onto Bethesda Street. We turned left onto the ring road and left onto Lichfield Street and we turned right onto Birch Terrace. We followed the road around onto Charles Street and we turned right onto Old Hall Street and then we crossed the ring road onto Limekiln Bank. At the bottom of the hill we went across the traffic lights onto the A52. We got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we walked up onto Finney Green and we turned right onto the A52. We turned left onto Dividy Road and We got in the car and we set off along Dividy Road and we turned right onto the A52. We turned left onto Eaves Lane and we turned left onto George Steele Ave. We turned left onto Richard Dawson Drive and we turned left onto George Treglown Grove. We turned left onto Cambrian Way. After picking something up we turned in the road and we headed back down Cambrian Way. We turned left onto Eaves Lane and we turned left onto Greasley Road and continued onto past the former Suburban Social Club. Before we joined the A5009 and we ran past the Cemetery to Milton and we turned left onto Millrise Road and we ran forwards onto Maunders Road and we crossed over the old railway line. We turned right onto Newford Crescent and left onto the A53. We turned into the retail park. We headed through Cobridge and we ran past the site of the new Wrights Pies shop. At the lights we turned left onto Waterloo Road. We ran down to the ring Road and then we ran around Hanley before going onto Lichfield Street. We ran down to Joiners Square and we continued onto Victoria Road. We ran up to the top and we turned sharp right onto City Road. We ran down to Smithpool Road and we turned left. We turned left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs and chilled out in his room to use his computer and watch buses. For tea Matthew had a Lamb Mince Pasta Bake Cheese & Bacon and a bottle of Coke followed by a Manchester Tart. He chilled out in his room using his computer and watching buses out of the window. Matthew went back to the room and went on his computer. In the late evening Matthew went downstairs to spend time with the other residents ar cuppa club. Matthew had various biscuits as well as some rice crispy cakes washed down with a can of Dr Pepper. Later on Matthew went back upstairs and had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Trip to Hanley / Stafford 25-01-2025


63362Fenton, adj Travers CourtStoke, adj stop Q11First Potteries
35947Stoke, adj stop NHanley BS25First Potteries
67147Hanley BSStafford, Chell Road101First Potteries
63177Stafford, The Sun PHNewcastle BS101First Potteries
67177Newcastle BSFenton, Smithpool Road11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going to Stafford on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the day centre, we saw Temple Street Church RX18 GZW. We went downstairs and we set off onto City Road. On the way to the bus stop we saw Afford rent-a-car RO74 BWZ.

Afford rent-a-car RO74 BWZ in Fenton
A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 63362 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 63362 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Stoke before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. We got off the bus and we crossed obver the road to the stop opposite to wait for a #25 to Hanley. A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As soon as it cam into view we knew it was First Potteries 35947 on a #25 to Hanley.

First Potteries 35947 in Stoke
We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley before we sat down. The bus set off out of Stoke town centre and across the A500. We crossed under the railway line before turning left onto the A52 and we ran past the railway station to joiners Square. We turned left onto Lichfield Street and we turned left onto the ring road and we turned right onto Bethesda Street and right onto John Street and into the bus station and we got up and got off the bus. A short time later we saw First Potteries 67159 on a #7A to Biddulph. As it got closer we saw that it was First Potteries 67147 on a #101 to Stafford.

First Potteries 67141 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus bus and we booked to Stafford before We sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off through the bus station. and onto John Street. We turned right onto Bethesda Street and left onto Broad Street. We ran down the hill and over the ring road onto Snow Hill Before we turned right onto Shelton New Road. We ran down through Etruria an up into Hartshill before joining the A52. We ran into Newcastle down George Street. We joined the one way system and we turned left on the roundabout onto Barracks Road. As we got to the bus station onto Barracks Road. We ran Southwards onto the A34 and we ran down through Trent Vale and into Hanford. We continued down through to Trentham and then we got onto the fast section of the A34. We ran through Tittensor to Darlaston and we continued down to the North end of Stone. We Veered left onto Newcastle Road and we ran into Stone town centre. After going around the one-way system and onto Stafford Road. We crossed over the A34 onto Eccleshall Road. We turned left onto Tilling Drive and we ran onto the industrial estate. We saw former Wolverhampton Council minibus WX07 UJT. We rejoined the A34 at the roundabout where the A51 goes Eastwards and we ran Southwards through the fast section on the A34 to the A513 roundabout. We ran the last couple of miles into town down the A34 onto Foregate Street and we turned right onto Chell Road where we got up and got off the bus. We set off along the path through to Mount Street and we continued onto Princes Street. We continued through the Hunters Row and we walked Westwards along Gaolgate Street. We stopped at pub. For dinner Matthew had a buttermilk chicken and waffle washed down with a glass of Coke. For afters Matthew had a slice of chantilly honeycomb cheesecake with ice cream. Once we had finished eating we set off onto Greengate Street and we went in the Katharine House Hospice Shop. We went on Salter Street and we walked over to Bank Psge. We ran up Market Square and Greengate Street and we passed old Hailfax bank. We crossed over the roundabout onto Bridge Street. We crossed over the Bridge Street and forwards onto Newport Road. We waited for the next bus towards Newcastle. Whilst we waited we saw Chaserider 630 on a #828 to Lichfield.

Chaserider 630 in Stafford
A short time later we saw Chaserider 670 on a #74 to Cannock.

Chaserider 670 in Stafford
Also seen was Select Bus 40 on a #7 to Moss Pit.

Select Bus 40 in Stafford
A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 63177 on a #101 to Hanley.

First Potteries 63177 in Stafford
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus.We set off onto the A34 and we tirned left onto South Walls. We followed the one way system on to Cope Street and left onto Eastgate Street. We ran forwards onto Salter Street and we turned left onto North Walls. We headed Northwards and we ran into the bus station. We left the bus station onto the A34 and we ran Northwards to the edge of town. We continued up the fast section of the A34 to the edge of Stone and then we turned left onto the industrial estate. We ran around the estate and onto Tiling Drive. We turned right onto Eccleshall Road and we crossed the A34 onto Stafford Road. We turned left onto Crown Street and we stopped at the main stop in Stone. We ran North up Newcastle Road and we re-joined the Northbound A34. We ran North through Meaford and Tittensor and up into Trentham. We continued North through Hanford and Trent Vale and we past the City General hospital before going into Newcastle. We turned right onto Barracks Road and we entered the bus station from the South end. We got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we waited for the next bus back Fenton. Whilst we waited we saw D&G Bus 33 on a #85 to Nantwich. A few minutes later we saw First Potteries 63357 on a #22 to Longton.

First Potteries 63357 in Newcastle bus station
A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 67177 on a #11 to Hanley.

First Potteries 67177 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto Barracks Road and we ran up to the Jubilee roundabout. We ran onto the A53 and around the one-way system onto the A52. We ran up George Street into Hartshill and we ran down the hill into Stoke town centre. After a brief stop we continued along Church Street out of Stoke and over the A500. We ran under the railway line and we continued onto City Road. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. We crossed over City Road and we cut through to the residential unit. We went upstairs and to his room to chill out. Later on we went downstairs and we set off onto Temple Street and we turned left onto Christchurch Street. We turned left onto City Road. We stopped at the kebab shop and we brought burger and fries. When we brought the food we walked back down City Road and we turned left into Christchurch Street. We turned left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs to his room to chill out and use the computer. For tea Matthew had Pizza followed a couple of slices of syrup sponge puddinge. Later on Matthew went downstairs. We set off onto Temple Streeet and onto Christchurch Street and into the Co-operative food store. Matthew brought a Milky Way before setting off back to the house. We went onto Christchurch Street and onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs and Matthew went back to his room to chill out. Later on Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.