Saturday 18 May 2024

Trip to Newcastle / Stafford 18-05-2024


23Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS1AD&G Bus
35943Newcastle BSStafford, Station Road101First Potteries
35938Stafford, Station RoadNewcastle BS101First Potteries
524Newcastle BSFenton, Smithpool Road1D&G Bus

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the dentist and we saw Copeland's Tours MIB 992. Matthwe went into the living room and we saw Temple Street Church RX18 GZW. We went downstairs and we and we cut through onto City Road to wait a bus to Hanley. Behind us we saw First Potteries 67172 on a #23 to Hanley.

First Potteries 67172 in Fenton
A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was D&G Bus 23 on a #1A to Wood Lane.

D&G Bus 23 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre. We continued along Church Street onto Hartshill Road and into the centre of Hartshill. We turned left into the Avenue and left again onto Hilton Road before turning right into the City General Hospital. hospital. As we travelled through the hospital we saw Safeguard YJ19 ARU. Once through the hospital we turned right onto the A34 and we ran into Newcastle. We crossed the roundabout and we ran up Barracks Road and into the bus station from the South end. Once we got to the bus station we got up and got off the bus. Once we got off the bus we saw First Potteries 69155 on a #4 to Hanley. We walked out of the bus station onto Castle Walk and we stopped at the Pound Bakery. Matthew brought a jam filled shortbread biscuit before continuing along Castle Walk and into the bus station. A few minutes later a bus appeared and it was First Potteries 35943 on a #101 to Stafford.

First Potteries 35943 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Trentham Garden before we went upstairs we sat down. We set off out of the bus station onto Barracks Road. We ran Southwards onto the A34 and we ran down through Trent Vale and into Hanford. We continued down through to Trentham and then we got onto the fast section of the A34. We ran through Tittensor to Darlaston past the Darlaston Inn which new KFC and a petrol station. We continued down the A34 to the North end of Stone. We Veered left onto Newcastle Road and we ran into Stone town centre. After going around the one-way system and onto Stafford Road. We crossed over the A34 near to the site of the new Lidl. We continued onto Eccleshall Road and we turned left onto Tilling Drive and we ran onto the industrial estate. We rejoined the A34 at the roundabout where the A51 goes Eastwards and we ran Southwards through the fast section on the A34 to the A513 roundabout. We ran the last couple of miles into town down the A34 onto Foregate Street and we turned right onto Chell Road. We crossed the roundabout onto Tenterbanks and we turned right onto Victoria Road. We turned left onto Station Road and we got up and got off the bus. We continued to the park and and Matthew decided he wanted to go to the toilet. Once out of the staion we walked to the pavillion and we brought a sausage bap and a bottle of Coke. Matthew ate his sausage bap a can of Coke. When we had finished eating we went back onto Water Street and we cut through Victoria Park and back to the bus stop outside the railway station. We waited for a bus back to Newcastle. A short time later we saw First Potteries 35948 on a #101 to Hanley. A few minutes later the bus appeared around the corner and it was dud First Potteries 35938 on a #101 to Hanley.

First Potteries 35938 in Stafford
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off along Station Road and at the end we turned left onto the A518. We ran around the South end of town and over the river onto Cope Street. We ran up Eastgate and along North Walls and into the Gaol Square bus station. We left the bus station onto the A34 and we ran Northwards to the edge of town. Due to roadworks on the A34 roundabout we turned left onto the M6 link road and at the first roundabout we did a 180' turned and rejoined the A34. We continued up the fast section of the A34 to the edge of Stone and then we turned left onto the industrial estate. We ran around the estate and onto Tiling Drive. We turned right onto Eccleshall Road and we crossed the A34 onto Stafford Road. We turned left onto Crown Street and we stopped at the main stop in Stone. We ran North up Newcastle Road and we re-joined the Northbound A34. We ran Morth through Meaford and Tittensor and up into Trentham. We continued North through Hanford and Trent Vale and we past the City General hospital before going into Newcastle. We turned right onto bus station where we got up and got off the bus. We walked out of the bus station and we waited for a bus towards Trentham Gardens. A few minutes later we saw First Potteries 47520 on a #11 to Hanley.

First Potteries 47520 in Newcastle bus station
Whilst we waited we saw D&G Bus 164 on a #9 to Biddulph.

D&G Bus 164 in Newcastle bus station
Eventually the bus appeared and it was D&G Bus 523 on a #1 to Meir.

D&G Bus 523 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton and sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station onto Barracks Road. We ran Southwards onto the A34. We turned left into the hospital and we ran through the the grounds. As we travelled through the hospital we saw Roseville FD70 YDT. We turned left onto Hilton Road. We continued onto Albany Road and we turned right onto The Avenue. At the end of the road we turned right onto the A52 and we ran through Hartshill and down the hill into Stoke town centre. After a brief stop we continued along Church Street out of Stoke and over the A500. We ran under the railway line and we continued onto City Road. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. We crossed over City Road and we cut through to the residential unit. We went upstairs and chilled out in his room to use his computer and watch buses. Later on Matthew went downstairs to do his shopping. Outside we saw Shelton Care Group DY08 FFX. We went to do the shopping. transport for the trip was a Lucky Seven taxi. We set off onto City Road and we crossed over and onto Manor Street. At the end of Manor Street we turned left onto Victoria Road and we continued down Victoria Road and we stopped at McDonalds. Matthew went to the toilet and had a burger and fries washed down with a cup of Coke. We got an ABC Supreme taxi back to the residential unit. We set off up Victoria Road. We turned right onto City Road and left onto Smithpool Road. We turned left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs to his room and chilled out in his room and use his computer and watch buses out of the window. Later on Matthew chilled out in his room. Matthew used his computer and watched music videos on the television. Later on Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

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