Monday 9 September 2024

Trip to Lightwood / Bradwell 09-09-2024


7239 VTFenton, Victoria PlaceLightwood Tavern50Stanton's of Stoke
7239 VTLightwood TavernFenton, Victoria Place50Stanton's of Stoke

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the dentist, we saw First Potteries 63347 on a #11 to Newcastle. Later on we went downstairs and we set off Temple Street and right onto Christchurch Street. We across City Road and we saw First Potteries 67158 on a #11 to Newcastle. At the top we crossed over Victoria Road to wait for the bus at the bus stop. A few minutes later the bus turned up and it was dud Stanton's of Stoke 7239 VT on a #50 to Lightwood. We go on the bus and we booked to Lightwood before sitting down. We set of up City Road and we turned left onto Fentpark Road. We turned right into June Road. We followed the road until the end and we turned left onto Annette Road. We turned right onto Newmount Road and left onto Goldenhill Road. We turned left onto Victoria Road and we ran through Foley into Longton. We ran under the railway bridge and we turned right into Baths Road. We turned left and we entered Longton Interchange onto Baths Road. We ran forwards onto Market Street and we followed the one-way system around onto Commerce Street. We crossed over the A50 and we headed out of Longton along Lightwood Road. At the roundabout we turned right onto the A5005 and we headed down the road into Lightwood. We got up and got off the bus. We afterwards we waited for a bus back towards Fenton. A short time later we saw Stanton's of Stoke 7239 VT on a #50 to Hanley. We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off onto the A5005 and we turned left onto Castileton Road. We crossed over Sandwell Place and we turned right into Starand Garter Road. We turned left onto Upper Belgrave Road onto Lightwood Road and into Longton. We crossed over the A50 and we ran down The Strand. We turned left into Baths Road and we entered Longton Transport Interchange. After a brief stop we ran out onto Baths Road and we turned left under the railway line onto King Street. We ran down through Fenton and forwards onto City Road past the new petrol station and coffee shop. We turned right into Victoria Road and we got up and got off the bus. One off the bus we set off on foot onto City Road. We turned left onto Christchurch Street. We walked back into Temple Street and to the car. We set off onto Temple Street and we turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto City Road. We ran down the hill and under the railway line into Stoke. We crossed over the A500. We went around the one-way system. We ran up the hill into Hartshill and we ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. At the roundabout we turned right onto the A527. We ran through Wolstanton and we crossed over the roundabout onto Bradwell Lane and we stopped at the pub. Matthew went to the toilet and had a glass of Coke. For tea Matthew had a burger and chips followed by chocolate fudge cake and ice cream. Once we had finished eating we set off onto Bradwell Lane and we crossed over the roundabout and ran through Wolstanton. We ran forwards onto the A527 and we turned right onto Sandy Lane and we crossed the A53 and we ran forwards onto Albert Street. We continued onto the A52 and we ran into Hartshill. At the end we turned right onto Hartshill Road and we saw blue minibus T400 CVC. At the end we turned right onto Hartshill Road. We ran down to Stoke and onto the one way system. We turned right onto Elenora Street and we followed the road around onto Copeland Street. We ran forwards onto Glebe Street and we followed the one way system onto Church Street. We crossed over the A500 onto City Road and we went under the railway line. We ran up the hill into Fenton and we turned right onto Smithpool Road. We turned left into Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew collected a few suypplies from the car and headed upstairs to his room to chill out and watch buses before going out later on. We saw white minibus DC23 TCX.

DC23 TCX in Fenton
Whilst waiting for the time to go to the dentist and we saw Z Carz WX58 CCE.

Z Carz WX58 CCE in Fenton
For tea Matthew had chicken & rice. After tea Matthew went back into his room before we went out. Later on Matthew went out in the car. We went downstairs and we got in the car. We got in the car and we set off onto Temple Street and we turned left onto Christchurch Street and we turned left onto City Road. We ran down the hill and under the railway line into Stoke. We went around the one-way system. We ran up the hill into Hartshill and we continued to the edge of Newcastle. We crossed the roundabout onto Ironmarket and we parked up. Matthew went to the pub. Matthew went to the toilet and afterwards had a glass of Coke. When we had finished eating we returned to Fenton by car. We got in the car and we set off onto Ironmarket and we Joined the one-way system. We ran ran onto the A52 and we turned left onto George Street. we ran forwards onto Hartshill Road and into Hartshill. We ran down to Stoke and onto the one way system. We turned right onto Elenora Street and we followed the road around onto Copeland Street. We ran forwards onto Glebe Street and we followed the one way system onto Church Street. We crossed over the A500 onto City Road and we went under the railway line. We ran up the hill into Fenton and we turned right onto Smithpool Road. We turned left into Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went up to Matthew's room and Matthew chilled out in his room watching television and using his computer. Later on Matthew chilled out in his room. He watched television and used his computer. Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

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