Wednesday 18 September 2024

Trip to Newcastle / Keele 18-09-2024


67175Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS11First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going on the bus later on. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to the day centre he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to the day centre. Later on Matthew went downstairs to do his shopping. We went to do the shopping. We got in car. We set off onto City Road and we crossed over and onto Manor Street. At the end of Manor Street we turned left onto Victoria Road and and we stopped at Aldi to pickup Matthew's weekly shop. Once Matthew had finished shopping we returned to the residential unit and we got in car. We set off up Victoria Road and we turned onto Manor Street. We turned right onto City Road and left onto Smithpool Road. We turned left onto Temple Street past the new building under construction and back to the residential unit. Matthew went back upstairs and chilled out in his room for a short while. After getting ready we went downstairs and we got in the car and we drove onto Temple Street. We turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto City Road. We ran down the hiull into Stoke and we went under the railway line. We crossed over the the A500 and we joined the Northbound carriageway. At the next junction we came off onto Shelton New Road. We ran through the cross road up to Hartshill and at the roundabout we ran into George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and we turned right onto the A519 and we went to Morrisons. Matthew went to the toilet and then went to the cafe. Matthew had a breakfast and a drink of coke. We walked down to the sunken Roundabout. We walked up High Street and we stopped at Cash Converters. We continued through the High Street and we went in the The Works and bought a book. We went down Friar Street. We crossed under the A34 and we got in back car. We set off out of the Morrisons. We joined the Northboubnd A519 and we ran down to Newcastle. We ran forwards onto the A34. We went Northwards to the next roundabout and then we turned left onto the Southbound A53. We turned right onto Blackfriars Road and we continued up the A525. We ran through Thistleberry and past Hampton's scrap yard. At the roundabout went straight and went up the hill towards Keele. We turned left into the campus and onto University Drive. We re-joined the A525 and we ran down the hill towards Newcastle. We past Hampton's scrapyard and Thistleberry. We ran forwards onto Blackfriars Road and we turned left onto the A53. We turned right on to the Southbound A34 and at the next roundabout we turned left onto Barracks Road. We continued onto the A52 and we ran into Hartshill. We veered left onto Shelton New Road and we stopped briefly near to the old Gilberts furniture shop. We continued down Shelton New Road through the traffic lights and we turned right to join the Southbound A500. We stayed on the high level road and we came off the A500 at City Road. We ran under the railway line and up the hill into Fenton. We turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs to his room to chill out and watch buses before going out later on. We saw Stanton's of Stoke 784 RBF. Before tea We went downstairs out for a walk to fetch his tea. we set off onto Temple Street and we turned left onto Smithpool Road. We ordered sausages and chips gravy and then we walked back along Smithpool Road and onto and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs and Matthew went to his room to chill out. Matthew went into the living room to have tea. Matthew ate his sausages and chips gravy followed by a Butterfly cake. We went downstairs and we set off on foot to the bus stop on City Road to wait a bus to Newcastle. At the Afford garage we saw Afford rent-a-car YR24 XGM parked up.

Afford rent-a-car YR24 XGM in Fenton
We continued to the stop outside the flats and we waited for a bus to Newcastle. A few minutes later the bus turned up and it was First Potteries 67175 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 67175 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. After a brief stop in Stoke we continued along church Street and forwards onto Hartshill Road. We ran up the hill and into Hartshill and in the petrol station. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. We set off onto Hassell Street and we turned right onto High Street and we past old Edinburgh Woollen Mill which moved to the new food outlets. We turned left into Church Street and we turned left onto the Southbound A34 and we went under the subway on to the A34. We turned left onto the A525 and we turned right onto Stanier Street. When we got into the building Matthew went to the toilet. Afterwards Matthew went outside and went on the slide. He also spent time in the soft play area. A short time later Matthew went inside and had some twirl chocolate bar. We watch buses out of the window we saw Priory Adult Care EJ21 RNU. When we had finished we said goodbye and we returned to Fenton in a taxi. We set off onto Stanier Street. When we returned to Fenton in a Intercity taxi. We set off along Stanier Road and we turned left onto Pool Side. We turned left onto Dunkirk and we turned right onto Knutton Lane. We around the roundabout and back onto the Ryecroft and we ran forwards onto the one-way system. We continued onto the A52 and we ran into Hartshill. We veered left onto Shelton New Road and we stopped briefly near to the old Gilberts furniture shop. We continued down Shelton New Road through the traffic lights and we turned right to join the Southbound A500. We stayed on the high level road and we came off the A500 at City Road. We ran under the railway line and up the hill into Fenton. We turned right onto Smithpool Road and left onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs and Matthew went to his room. He watched television and used his computer. later on he had a bath. For supper Matthew had some toast. Matthew went to bed around 23:00... Mark.

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