Wednesday 17 August 2011

Trip to Newcastle 17-08-2011

Bus From To Service Operator

40145 Wolstanton, opp Marsh Avenue Newcastle BS 99 First Potteries
40152 Newcastle BS Northwood Lane, Clayton 72 First Potteries
40152 Northwood Lane, Clayton Newcastle BS 72 First Potteries
40150 Newcastle BS Wilding Road Shops, Ball Green 98 First Potteries
40150 Wilding Road Shops, Ball Green Newcastle BS 98 First Potteries
40145 Newcastle BS Wolstanton, opp Marsh Avenue 99 First Potteries
40021 Wolstanton, opp Marsh Avenue Newcastle BS 17 First Potteries
40021 Newcastle BS Wolstanton, opp Marsh Avenue 17 First Potteries

Matthew was taken out for a 3rd day on the trot and started off with 40145 towards Newcastle.

40145 on a Newcastle service (Matt)

When in Newcastle Matthew saw 40152 in Newcastle on a #72 Clayton service. Matthew did this to Clayton and back. back at Newcastle 40150 came in on the #98 Ball Green and he also did this to the end and back. Matthew then did 40145 again back to Wolstanton.

40145 in Newcastle bus station (Matt)

He then went back to his respite unit for tea. After tea he came out again and did 40021 to newcastle and back.

40021 in Wolstanton on a #17 service (Matt)

He then went home for a good nights sleep!...Mark

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