Bus | From | To | Service | Operator |
W806 PNL | Crewe BS | Nantwich BS | C84 | Routemaster Buses |
YJ53 VDT | Nantwich BS | Tarporley, o/s Rising Sun PH | C84 | Routemaster Buses |
W806 PNL | Tarporley, o/s Shops | Acton, opp St Mary's Church | C84 | Routemaster Buses |
YJ07 JWD | Acton, o/s St Mary's Church | Tarporley, o/s Rising Sun PH | C84 | Routemaster Buses |
YJ53 VDT | Tarporley, o/s Shops | Crewe BS | C84 | Routemaster Buses |
Today we decided to go to Crewe to ride on the new C84 service from Crewe to Chester which started up on Monday. We had checked the weather for today and it was for cloudy with rain moving in during the afternoon. We asked Matthew if this was an acceptable plan for today and he said yes. Research other than checking the weather consisted of downloading the C84 service. Matthew got up around 10:00 and had toast and orange juice for breakfast. We set off around 11:30 as we were trying to time the run as to get the 13:05 after having dinner. We drover onto the A5035 and we turned right onto Stanley Matthews Way. We passed D&G 170 on the #14 service and we also saw white minibus LX03 MKM. We went west on the A50 and as we joined the A500 at Sideway we saw City Cabs LL09 SSV. We headed North up the A500 and we saw Magnum LT03 RXZ. We passed under the M6 went into Crewe via the new link road (David Whitby Way) and into Crewe along the A532. We turned left onto the A534 and we crossed over the railway line and we turned right onto Edleston Road were we saw dud Routemaster Buses on the 12:05 C84 departure to Chester. We crossed over the Chester line and we ran into town and we turned left into Delamere Street. We jigged our way through the streets and we saw Routemaster Buses PL05 PLN on a #9A service. We parked up in Asda And we set off towards the chip shop. On the way we saw 3D's minibus ML58 FWU.
3D's ML58 FWU in Crewe |
We walked onto Victoria Street to Vernon's Fish Bar. Matthew went to the toilet and when he came back we ordered him sausage chips and gravy with bread and butter which he washed down with a glass of Coke. We didn't see much go past the end of the road to the bus station... Already in the bus station we could see a red double decker on layover as well as a DeeBee liveried GHA Solo. First no longer run the #3 to Leighton hospital. Whilst we ate we saw Arriva NW&W 4101 go into the bus station. After we had finished eating we said goodbye to mum and we walked across to the bus station. The red double decker turned out to be Routemaster Buses W806 PNL.
Routemaster Buses W806 PNL in Crewe bus station |
We had a few minutes before the 13:05 C84 departure, so we decided to take a few pictures. Arriving on a #84 service was required Arriva NW&W 2625.
Arriva NW&W 2625 in Crewe bus station |
We then saw required Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT come into the bus station on a C84 from Chester.
Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT in Crewe bus station |
Thinking that we may get the single decker, we waited for it to unload... The bus then immediately reversed off the stand and went on layover. Then Routemaster Buses red double decker W806 PNL came on stand with 'C84 Chester' on it's electronic display... We got on the bus and we purchased Routemaster Buses day tickets at £5 each. The lower saloon was empty so Matthew took a picture inside Routemaster Buses W806 PNL.
Inside Routemaster Buses W806 PNL |
We went upstairs and Matthew took a picture inside the top deck of Routemaster Buses W806 PNL too.
Inside Routemaster Buses W806 PNL |
At 13:05 the bus departed the bus station onto Delamere Street. I asked Matthew if he wanted to go all the way to Chester on the bus or to go to Nantwich and he chose Nantwich. We followed the Road around onto Chester bridge and forwards onto Edleston Road. Coming the other way we saw First Potteries 66964 on a #3 and D&G 131 on a #85. At the end of edleston we turned right onto the A534. We traveled Southwards for a couple of miles passing Arriva NW&W 2626 and 4478 on #84's and GHA minibus YJ59 GHD on the #78 to Rode Heath. We turned left onto Willaston Road and then right onto Coppice Road before we rejoined the A534. We crossed the roundabout onto the B5338 and we carried on to the edge of town. We turned right onto the B5074 and we passed Arriva Sapphire double decker 4490 which is branded for the #38 Crewe to Macclesfield service. We turned left into Beam Street and we entered the bus station. We got up and got off the bus and Matthew took another picture of Routemaster Buses W806 PNL.
Routemaster Buses W806 PNL in Nantwich bus station |
There was approximatly six minutes before the next C84 towards Crewe. We decided to rush to the toilet in the market and see if we could get back in time to catch the bus. We headed down Market Street and into the market. Matthew went to the toilet and I brought some of his Favourite Spearmint Chews from the sweet store. We rushed back to the bus station only to see the the bus, Routemaster Buses YJ07 JWD leaving the bus station... Drat! We had best pat of an hour to kill now. We decided to take a few picture before we did something else for a short while. On layover at the East end of the bus station was GHA Solo SR 1202.
GHA 1202 in Nantwich bus station |
Back at the West end we saw GHA 1203 on a #51 town service.
GHA 1203 in Nantwich bus station |
Another bus came into the bus station to go on layover off a #78 from Rode Heath. It was GHA Solo YJ59 GHF.
GHA YJ59 GHF in Nantwich bus station |
I needed some cash so we walked back into town along Market Street and onto the pedestrianised area by Nantwich Church. I got some cash out of the TSB cash machine before we walked down to the Post Office. We brought a couple of lottery tickets of which Matthew helped to pick the numbers and then we went to the till and paid for them as well as a Cadbury's Twirl. We walked back to the bus station and we saw Arriva NW&W 4478 departing on a #84 to Chester. We sat down for a while and Matthew shared his Cadbury's Twirl with us and he washed it down with a can of Orange Fanta. The next #84 to Crewe came in and it was required Arriva NW&W 2623.
Arriva NW&W 2623 in Nantwich bus station |
We hung around for a further 15 minutes and the next #84 to Crewe was dud Arriva NW&W 4490.
Arriva NW&W 4490 in Nantwich bus station |
The next C84 to Chester was due and we were expecting it to be required Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT. What we weren't expecting is the Routemaster Buses East Lancs bodied Dart PL05 PLN, which came in to work the 14:25 #68 departure to Lea Green.
Routemaster Buses PL05 PLN in Nantwich bus station |
A couple of minutes later we saw required Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT come into the bus station as expected.
Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT in Nantwich bus station |
We got on the bus and we flashed the Routemaster Buses day ticket before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off out of the bus station onto Beam Street We crossed the river Weaver and we went forwards onto Welsh Row. We carried on under the Shropdhire Union canal and through Acton. We joined the A51 and we passed Snugbury's Ice Cream. We crossed over a branch of the canal and the bus emptied out a little. Matthew then took a picture inside Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT.
Inside Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT |
We carried on along the A51 through Wardle, Caveley and Alpraham. We joined the A49 and then we diverted right onto High Street into the village. We decided to go one stop further than we had before. There was a slight blockage on the street and we waited for it to clear. Arriva NW&W 4477 was coming the other way and then we moved forwards. We stopped right opposite to a Co-operative Food store which was convenient. We got up and got off the bus and Matthew took another picture of Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT as it carried on towards Chester.
Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT in Tarporley |
We had just under 20 minutes to get to the bus stop. We crossed the road and we went into the Co-op where Matthew picked up some drinks and chocolate to fill up the trip bag. Once we had paid for the stuff we walked down the High Street to the return stop. On the way Matthew spotted someone he wanted to say hello to someone in a restaurant. We carried on down the street to the stop and Matthew just had time to eat a Flake bus the bus appeared. Bang on time we saw the expected bus approaching, Routemaster Buses W806 PNL.
Routemaster Buses W806 PNL in Tarporley |
We got on the bus and we flashed the Routemaster Buses day ticket to the driver before we headed upstairs. The bus set off down the High Street and we joined the Eastbound A49. We carried on the forwards onto the A51 and we went through Alpraham, Caveley and Wardle and past Snugburys. We left We went forwards onto the B5341 and we decided to get up and off the bus before we passed the return service. We got up and got off the bus in rainy Acton and Matthew took another picture of Routemaster Buses W806 PNL as it carried on towards Crewe.
Routemaster Buses W806 PNL in Acton |
We crossed the road to the opposite stop and we saw from the timetable board we had around six minutes to wait. The time passed quickly and we didn't get too wet! As expected, required Routemaster Buses Plaxton Centro YJ07 JWD turned the corner.
Routemaster Buses YJ07 JWD in Acton |
We got on the bus and we flashed the Routemaster Buses day ticket to the driver before we sat down towards the rear of the bus. The bus set off up the B5341 and Matthew took a picture of the empty rear seat of the bus.
Inside Routemaster Buses YJ07 JWD |
We joined the A51 passing through Wardle, Caveley and Alpraham. We joined the A49 and then we diverted right onto High Street into the village. We gut up and got off the bus in Tarporley again outside the Rising Sun pub. Matthew took another picture of Routemaster Buses YJ07 JWD as it carried on towards Chester.
Routemaster Buses YJ07 JWD in Tarporley |
We nipped into the Rising Sun pub and Matthew used the toilet. After using the facilities me and Matthew had a quick drink of Coke before we went outside to Meet uncle Dave again. We crossed over the road and we went to the stop opposite to the old fire station. A few minutes later we saw Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT approaching from the North.
Routemaster Buses YJ53 VDT in Tarporley |
We got on the bus and we flashed the Routemaster Buses day ticket to the driver for the final time today. We sat down towards the back of the bus and we set off down the High Street onto the Eastbound A49. We carried on the forwards onto the A51 and we went through Alpraham, Caveley and Wardle and past Snugburys. We left We went forwards onto the B5341 through Acton and under the canal into Nantwich. We crossed the river Weaver and we passed dud Routemaster Buses H116 SAO on the 16:05 Crewe to Chester C84 service. We went forwards onto Beam Street and into the bus station. In Nantwich bus station we saw D&G 102 on a #1A service, GHA 1201 on the #72 service and required Arriva NW&W 2625 on the #84 service to Crewe. We followed Arriva NW&W 2625 out of the bus station and through the town B5338. At the big roundabout we saw Jayjays Travel PO58 XFX emerge from the Nantwich by-pass. We joined the Westbound A534 and we went through Willaston via Coppice Road and Willaston Road. It was now fully dark and we traveled along the A534 into Crewe before turning left into Edleston Road. We followed the road right into the centre of town and we turned left into Delamere Street and we entered the bus station. We decided to take a few more pictures before we headed back to the car, which mum had moved onto Victoria Street. On a #3 to Hanley was required First Potteries 66964.
First Potteries 66964 in Crewe bus station |
Also in the bus station was required D&G 103 on a #6 service.
D&G 103 in Crewe bus station |
We left the bus station and we went around the corner into Victoria Street to meet mum. At the car mum as waiting for us with Greggs sausage rolls and Matthew had a bottle of Irn Bru. We set off through town and we went onto Flag lane and left onto Wistaston Road. We went forwards and under the railway line and right onto Mill Street. At the end of Mill Stree we joined the A534 and we saw First Potteries 66303 on a #3 and dud Arriva 4489 on a #38 both heading to Crewe bus station. We went South on the A532 and we went down to the A500 via David Whitby Way. We joined the Westbound A500 at the weston Gate roundabout and we went under the M6 and down to sideway. We went Eastwards up to Longton on the A50 so we could check out what was parked up at Z Carz this evening. First on the first row was Z Carz Ford minibus PY08 KDX.
Z Carz PY08 KDX in Longton |
At the front of the second row was Z Carz Mercedes minibus M372 NWN.
Z Carz M372 NWN in Longton |
At the back of the site was Z Carz maroon coloured Volkswagen minibus S973 OVP.
Z Carz S973 OVP in Longton |
By the wall we saw a newer decal free minibus, Z Carz HK57 LGW.
Z Carz HK57 LGW in Longton |
We turned left into Willow Row to see what was parked up in the compound. At the very back was Z carz white & green minibus Y569 DSF.
Z Carz Y569 DSF in Longton |
We turned around and we headed back onto the A50. We crossed over the road and we went to fill up with diesel at the petrol station. We then returned onto the A50 and we ran up to Heron Cross. We turned left onto Blurton Road where we saw silver minibus T55 MLG. We went forwards onto Church Road and we turned right onto Beaconsfield Drive and we got home around 18:10. For a late tea Matthew had bangers and mash with carrots followed by a jam filled shortbread biscuit. Matthew then chilled out on his computer until bedtime around 00:30... Mark
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