Bus | From | To | Service | Operator |
10854 | Middleton BS | Harphurey, Queens Park | 112 | Stagecoach Manchester |
37403 | Harphurey, Queens Rd (Stop C) | Middleton BS | 163 | First Manchester |
YJ11 ENR | Middleton BS | Chadderton, Town Hall | 419 | MCT |
67425 | Chadderton, Chadderton Precinct (Stop B) | Royton, Shaw Road (Stop C) | 182 | First Manchester |
33736 | Royton, Shaw Road (Stop E) | Oldham BS | 182 | First Manchester |
BU05 HEJ | Oldham BS | Mills Hill Station (Stop A) | 406 | M Travel |
MX59 NWN | Mills Hill Station (Stop A) | Middleton BS | 419 | MCT |
Today we decided to re-visit Middleton. Mum had been away for a night out and we had arranged to pick her up from the railway station on our way out. As such we decided not to go to far today. We checked the weathr for today and it was for dry weather with sunny intervals. Matthew got up around 10:00 and had toast for breakfast. We had run out of orange juice! We set off 11:15 and we ran along Beaconfield Drive. We turned left onto Church Street and left onto Blurton Road. At the BP petrol station we saw Paul's of Stoke M20 BUS. We continued along Blurton Road and we crossed over the A50. We turned left onto Grove Road and we ran forwards onto Whieldon Road. We went under the railway brdige and the A500 and we turned right onto the A52. We crossed back under the railway line and we followed the A52 towards the railway station. We went slight left onto Station Road and we pulled into one of the drop off points to pick up mum. Once we had picked her up we continued along Station Road and left onto Stoke Road. We crossed over the A500 and we joined the Northbound carriage way. We neede some petrol so we came off the A500 at Wolstanton and we went to the Asda Petrol station. Once we had filled up we continued Northwards up the A500. We got on the M6 at junction 16 and as we travelled North we saw 3 unidentified Orion Travel coaches, An unidentified Olympia Travel coach, 4 unidentified ABC Coach Hire coaches, Paul's of Stoke Y17 POS, Park's of Hamilton LSK 812, Titterington Holidays TH16 TTH & 2 unidentified Tyrer's coaches. We came off the M6 at junction 19 and we went Eastwards onto the A556. We continued onto the M56 and we did the link road up to the M60. Once on the M60 we ran around Manchester in an anti-clockwise direction. On the M60 we saw Andrew's YX17 OGU & taxi minibus YD17 ODS. We came off the M60 at junction 19 and we went North-Eastwards up the A576. At the edge of town we turned left onto Limetrees Road. We turned right into the passage by Factory Street and we parked in one of the spaces in front of the Dusty Miller. Once we had parked up we walked into the shopping centre and we went upstairs. Matthew went to the toilet and we went back outside again. We went arund the corber towads the bus station and we stopped at the food van under the shopping centre. Matthew had a sausage, bacon and egg bap washed down with a can of Coke. Whilst we ate we saw required First Manchester 30948 on a #59 to Rushcroft. Once we had finished we said goodbye to mum and we went towards the bus station. On stand was required Stagecoach Manchester 10854 on a #112 to Manchester.
Stagecoach Manchester 10854 in Middleton bus station |
Also seen was First Manchester 37422 on a #163 to Bury.
First Manchester 37422 in Middleton bus station |
We crossed over to the bus station and we saw Stagecoach Manchester 36075 on layover.
Stagecoach Manchester 36075 in Middleton bus station |
We had a quick walk around the bus station whilst we decided what to catch. In the end we decided to do Stagecoach Manchester 10854 on a the #112 to Manchester. We got on the bus and we booked System One anybus day tickets at £5.60 before we went upstairs. The rear of the top deck was empty so Matthew took a picture inside Stagecoach Manchester 10854.
Inside Stagecoach Manchester 10854 |
We set off out of the bus station and we turned left and ran past the Middleton Arena. We turned right onto Market Place and then right again onto Townley Street. We crossed over the A669 and we continued to the end of the street where we turned left onto Grishaw Lane and we ran down to Middleton Junction. We turned right onto Greengate and we carried on down Greengate over the M60 and to the roundabout. We joined Moston lane and we passed 67408 on the #81 to The Gardners Arms. Further South we passed required Stagecoach Manchester 10855 on a #114 to Alkrington. We continued South and when past the Blue Bell pub and through Moston. As we approached Harpurhey we turned left onto Upper Conran Street. We continued Southpast Harpurhey shopping centre and we turned right onto Fenclough Road. We travelled for around 1/3 and when we joined the Southbound A664 we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus Matthew took another picture of Stagecoach Manchester 10854 as it continued towards Manchester.
Stagecoach Manchester 10854 in Harpurhey |
We then walked North to try and crossed the road and we saw dud First Manchester 37405 on a #163 to Manchester.
First Manchester 37405 in Harpurhey |
It was a bus we had been on
from Bury to Heywood back in May 2017. We decided it was easier to go Southwards and crossed over the road so that is what we did. Once across the road we stood at the stop to wait for the next bus back Northwards. We saw A First Manchester double decker approaching in the distance. As it got closer we saw that it was required First Manchester 37403 on a #163 to Bury.
First Manchester 37403 in Harpurhey |
We got on the bus and we flashed the System One ticket to the driver before we went upstairs. The rear of the top deck was empty so Matthew took a picture inside First Manchester 37403 before we sat down.
Inside First Manchester 37403 |
The bus set off Northwards up the A664 we we travelled through Harpurhey past the World Famous Embassy Club. We paused for a short while and then we continued North past Boggart Hole Clough and Into Blackley. We crossed over the M60 and we ran the last mile or so into Middleton. We crossed over the A669 and we entered the bus station. Once we got off the bus Matthew went to the toilet. Across the way First Manchester 69205 was on layover. We walked around the bus station whilst we decided what bus to do next. There was nothing in the bus station that Matthew wanted to do so we waited by the last stop in the main area. A few minutes later required MCT YJ11 ENR appeared on a #419 to Ashton-under-lyne.
MCT YJ11 ENR in Middleton bus station |
We got on the bus and we flashed the System One ticket to the driver before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station and we turned left onto A669 and we ran Eastwards out of town to Mills Hill railway station. JUst after the station we turned right onto Baytree Avenue after runniung South for a while we followed the road around onto Firwood Park and we headed back Northwards up to the main road. We turned right onto the A669 and after a short run we turned left onto Chadderton Park Road. We turned right onto Cathederals Road. We followed the round and we turned right onto Parkway. We turned left onto Park Avenue and we ran up to the back of the Chadderton Park Travelodge. We turned right onto the Northbound Burnley Lane . We went around the rouandbout at the start of the A627(M) and we went Southwards down the A663. At the crossroad we turned left onto the A669 and we missed the stop for the shopping centre so we got up and got off at the next stop by the town hall. As we walked back to the shoping centre we saw First Manchester 37467 on a #59 to Rushcroft.
First Manchester 37467 in Chadderton |
When we got to the shoping centre we went into the post office and Matthew brough a couple of cans of Coke and a couple of chocolate bars. Once we had paid for the good we went outside to the Oldham bound stop. As couple of minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw that it was required First Manchester 67425 on a #182 to Shaw.
First Manchester 67425 in Chadderton |
We got on the bus and we flashed the System One ticket to the driver before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off along the A669 and we turned left onto Garforth Street. We ran up the hill to we turned right onto Burnley Lane. At the end we turned right onto the A627. We had a quick check on TfGM and we noticed that the #182 didn't go into Oldham. We saw that it was going up to Royton and we knew we could get a bus to Oldham from Royton. We turned left onto the A6048, We veered left onto the A671 and we went past the Royal Oldham Hospital. We ran through Long Sight and we crossed the A663. It was this point we decided to get up and get off the bus. We crossed over the road and we waited for the next Oldham bound bus. We only had to wait a couple of minutes and we saw a double decker approaching. As it got closer we saw that it was required First Manchester 33736.
First Manchester 33736 in Royton |
We got on the bus and we flashed the System One ticket to the driver before we went upstairs and sat down. The bus set off Southwards down the A671 and we crossed over the A663. We continued Southwards past thr Royal Oldham Hospital and we turned left onto St Mary's Way. We travelled Eastwards for a short distance and we turned right into Oldham bus station, enetering from the North end. Once off the bus we went to the toilet, but the toilet was shut due to 'Ongoing drain issues'. We then walked around the bus station taking bus pictures. We saw MCT Enviro200 MX12 DZE on a #412 to Middleton.
MCT MX12 DZE in Oldham bus station |
We walked around to the East side of the bus station and we saw required First Manchester 33676 on a #83 to Sholver.
First Manchester 33676 in Oldham bus station |
We walked down to the other part of the bus station and we saw required First Manchester 37549 on layover.
First Manchester 37549 in Oldham bus station |
We went back to the other part of the bus station and we saw First Manchester 42940 on a #415 to Middleton.
First Manchester 42940 in Oldham bus station |
We need to start considering how to get to Middleton as mum would be abkle to drive to meet us today. We saw a double decker on the #59 to Manchester but Matthew didn't fancy doing it. As it got closer we saw that it was required First Manchester 37444 on a #59 to Manchester. Whilst we decided what to do next Matthew had a Milky Way washed down with a small bottle of cola. We saw that there was a M Travel #406 to Mills Hill due in a few minutes. A few minutes later we saw it approaching and it was required M Travel Dart BU05 HEJ on a #406 to Mills Hill.
M Travel BU05 HEJ in Oldham bus station |
We got on the bus and we flashed the System One ticket to the driver before we sat down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off out of the bus station down West Street and right onto Rochdale Road. We went up to and into the Oldham Royal Infirmary and then we went back South down the A6048 to the A627. We turned right onto the A627 and we headed up to the roundabout at Holden Fold. We crossed over the A627(M) and we went onto Burnley Road before turning left into Parkway. After what happened last time we did the #406 we checked the TfGM site to make sure this #406 was going all the way to Mills Hill station. We ran around the estate and we returned to Burnley Road. We ran Westwards onto Chadderton Hall Road and forwards onto Haigh Lane. We turned right onto the A669 and we got up and got off the bus. Matthew took another picture of M Travel BU05 HEJ as it went back towards Oldham.
M Travel BU05 HEJ in Mills Hill |
We were on the right side of the road for the bus back to Middleton. A quick check at the bus stop timetable we saw that there was a #419 to Middleton due. Wew assumed it would proably be YN11 ENR that we were on later and we could do the following #59 service. As the bus approached we saw that it was a different vehicle so we flagged it down. As it got closer we saw that it was required MCT Enviro200 MX59 NWN on a #419 to Middlton.
MCT MX59 NWN in Mills Hill |
We got on the bus and we flashed the System One ticket to the driver for the final time today before we sat down towards the back of the bus. THe bus set off along the A669 and we ran Westwards into Middleton. We crossed over the first roundabout and at the second we turned right into the bus station. We decided to take a few more bus picture before we left. We saw dud First Manchester 37385 on layover in between #19 to Langley.
First Manchester 37385 in Middleton bus station |
Also seen on the main road was required First Manchester 37351 on a #163 to Bury.
First Manchester 37351 in Middleton |
As we got to the other side of the bus station we saw required First Manchester 37453 on a #59 to Manchester.
First Manchester 37453 in Middleton bus station |
We walked past the shopping cebtre and around the corner. We dropped the stuff off in the car and Matthew went to the Dusty Miller to use the toilet. We also had a swift half of Coke. We returned to the car where mum was waiting with sausage rolls and a can of Irn Bru. We set off up the passage and we turned left onto Limetrees Road. We ran forwards onto the A576 and we joined the M60 at junction 19. We ran clockwise around Manchester and as we travelled we saw an unidentified M&D Travel minibus and an unidentified Garnetts coach. We ran through Stocport and onto the link road to the M56. We ran Westwards along the M56 and we joined the Westbound A556 we we got to the M6 junction 19 we saw Alfa 69 on the roundabout. We joined the M6 and as we travelled Southwards we saw 3 unidentified Reays coaches, an unidentified Minsterley Motors coach and 3 unidentified Dhillons coaches. Further down the motoway we were passed by GreyShells Travel YN08 DGY.
Greyshells Travel YN08 DGY on the M6 |
We continued down the M6 and we saw Courtesy Destination Travel YE17 AHA. As we left the M6 at junction 16 we were passed by national Express liveried Park's of hamilton HSK 652 on a #540 to London.
Parks of Hamilton HSK 652 on the M6 |
We joined the Southbound we saw an unidentified National Express liveried coach(#570), white minibus YN53 ZDE, Orion Travel 8201 VC and We were evetually caught up by Stanways white coach EGZ 1850.
Stanways EGZ 1850 on the A500 |
We came off we saw an Pete Bus YJ08 ZHK. the A500 at Etruria and we went Eastwards along the A53. We turned right onto Etruria Road and we turned right onto the clockwise ring road past the pub with the Dennis the Menace play area. We turned right onto Lichfield Street and we stopped at the Venus Fish Bar. For tea Matthew had sausage chips and gravy washed down with a small bottle of Coke. Whilst we ate we saw Bagnalls BAG 564S set down opposite to us. Once we had finished eating we turned left Lichfield Street. We ran over the roundabout at Joiners Square onto Victoria Road. We ran up the hill and forwards onto City Road. We turned right onto the A50 Link Road which we did up the A50. We came off the A50 at Longton and we turned left into Baths Road. We stopped at Tesco for Petrol and then we returned onto the high level A50. We crossed over the A50 and we to the other side. We stopped at Z Carz to see what was parked up this evening the spare ground was empty so we turned left into Willow Row where we saw Z Carz Ford minibus HK57 LFY.
Z Carz HK57 LFY in Longton |
Also seen was Z Carz Renault minibus PE10 MJE.
Z Carz PE10 MJE in Longton |
Another minibus in the compound was Z Carz Renault minibus DS07 LSN.
Z Carz DS07 LSN in Longton |
Also seen was Z Carz Peugeot minibus YJ62 RCO. We went West along the A50 to Heron Cross and we turned left onto Blurton Road. By the BP garage we saw Alfa 64. We continued up to Church Road and we saw Stanton's of Stoke YN16 UKU parked up by the road. We turned right into the A5035 and we got back home at 19:30. When we got back Matthew had a can of Orange Fanta followed by a millionaire's shortbread biscuit. We did an e-mail and we wrote some of the Blog. Matthew went to bed around 00:00.... Mark.