Friday 21 June 2024

Trip to Hanley / Newcastle 21-06-2024


67146Hanley BSFenton, Victoria Place6First Potteries
67175Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS11First Potteries
35946Newcastle BSNewcastle, o/s The Cherry Tree PH25First Potteries

Today Matthew was going to Blurton, but first he was going out on the bus and afterwards going to Grandma's. Matthew g ot up at 08:00 and had his medication. For breakfast Matthew had toast and cranberry juice. Later on Matthew went out. We went downstairs and we cut through onto City Road. On the way down City Road we saw Afford rent-a-car DL21 NVR parked up at the garage.

Afford rent-a-car DL21 NVR in Fenton
We waited for a Lucky Seven taxi and we went to Shelton. We got in the taxi and we set off down City Road. We ran down the hill into Stoke and we turned right onto the A52. We ran past the end of Station Road which is currently partially closed for work on the new bus gate installation. We continued along the A52 and we turned left onto Cauldon Road. We turned right onto Boughey Road and we stopped outside of the park. We cut through the park and we crossed over the canal and we went to the play area. After spending time in the play area Matthew went out of the park onto Cleveland Street. We continued onto Regent Road and we turned left onto Hinde Street and we saw First Potteries 33693 on layover. Also seen was First Potteries 33696 on layover. Another vehicle seen was First Potteries 33700 on layover. Afterwards we saw First Potteries 35938 parked up on layover. We walked back to Regent Road and we continued to the end onto Lichfield Street. We crossed over and went to the chip shop. matyew had sauasge chips and gravy washd down with a can of Coke. When we had finished eatjing we set off across the ring road and up Lichfield Street. We went forwards onto Tontine Street and across Tontine Square to Primark. Matthew did some clothes shopping and afterwards we walked across Tontine Square onto Tontine Street. We went forwards onto Lichfield Street and back to the bus station. We waited for a bus back to Fenton. A short time later we saw a bus come onto the stand. We saw kt was First Potteries 67146 on a #6 to Parkhall.

First Potteries 67146 in Hanley bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Fenton before sitting down towards the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station onto John Street and we turned left onto Bethesda Street. We turned left onto the ring road and we turned right onto Lichfield Street and we ran down the hill to Joiners Square. We crossed the roundabout onto Victoria Road. and we ran up the hill into Fenton. At the top of the hill we got up and got off the bus. Once off the bus we set off on foot up Victoria Road and we went sharp right onto City Road. We turned left onto Christchurch Street and we turned right onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. Matthew went upstairs and back to his room. Matthew used his computer and watched television in his room. Around 15:00 I came to pick Matthew up. Matthew came downstairs and we set off onto City Road. We walked to the bus stop by the flats.. I asked Matthew if he wanted to do First Bus. Whilst we waited we saw D&G Bus 23 on a #1A to Wood Lane.

D&G Bus 23 in Fenton
Alos seen was First Potteries 67147 on a #23 to Hanley.

First Potteries 67147 in Fenton
A short time later we saw our bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 67175 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 67175 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. After a brief stop in Stoke we continued along church Street and forwards onto Hartshill Road. We ran up the hill and into Hartshill. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. We walked to the bottom of the bus station to wait for something towards Grandma's house. A short time later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 35946 on a #25 to Hanley.

First Potteries 35946 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to the hospital before we went upstairs and sitting down. We set off out of the bus station onto Barracks Road. We ran Southwards onto the A34 and we got up and got off the bus by the Cherry Tree. We got off the bus and Matthew took a picture of First Potteries 35946 as it continued towards Hanley.

First Potteries 35946 in Newcastle
Once off the bus we headed along the A34 and we went up the hill towards Grandma's. At Grandma's Matthew had toast and a can of Irn Bru and used her computer. When it was time to go we went to the pub in the car via uncle Daves house. We set off just after 17:30 and we set off onto Victoria Street. We joined the Southbound A34 and we turned left onto The Avenue. At the end we turned right onto Hartshill Road. We ran down to Stoke and onto the one way system. We turned right onto Elenora Street and we followed the road around onto Copeland Street. We ran forwards onto Glebe Street and we followed the one way system onto Church Street. We crossed over the A500. We turned right onto the A500. We veered left into Fenton to pick up uncle Dave. We set off back down towards Stoke and onto the A500. We turned left onto Church Street and and we went around the one-way system. We turned left onto London Road and we headed into the West End, and we ran past the former Oak Tree pub which has now been demolished. We ran to the end of London Road and we sat at the light waiting to turn right onto the A34. We continued up to the pub and we parked up. We walked into the pub and Matthew had a brunch with oatcakes followed by toffee sponge pudding with ice cream. Whilst we ate highlights of the passing buses included First Potteries 67144 on a #101 to Stafford and Stanton's of Stoke 82 HBC. Once we had finished eating we set off. We carried on along the A34. We turned left onto London Road and we ran through Oak Hill and the the West End before running into Stoke Town centre and Campbell Place and onto the one way system. We followed the one-way system to the left onto Church Street. We ran up Hartshill Road into Hartshill and I stopped at work to drop off some keys. When returned back down to Stoke and onto the one way system. We turned left onto Shelton Old Road and we saw Travel Express LG68 PSZ paeked up th the depot. We joined the Southbound A500 at Sideway and onto the Eastbound A50. On the A50 we saw a couple of Edinburgh Coach Hire coaches as we as white coach GL16 PUL. We came off the A50 onto Stanley Matthews Way and we turned left onto the A5035 and we came back to Blurton. In them afternoon we chilled out writing the Blog. Matthew had a can of Irn Bru. Later on we took uncle Dave home. We got in the car and we set off through Burton and we ran along Beaconsfield Drive. We turned left onto Church Street and left onto Blurton Road and we crossed over the A50. We ran through Blurton and at the roundabout we veered right onto Church Street. We turned right onto the A5035 and back to Blurton. Later on we did some more of the Blog and had a Twister lolly. We chilled out on the sofa until bedtime around 00:00... Mark

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