Wednesday 19 June 2024

Trip to Newcastle / Blurton 19-06-2024


112Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS1AD&G Bus
63116Newcastle BSHanley BS4First Potteries
67180Fenton, adj Travers CourtNewcastle BS11First Potteries
35945Newcastle BSStoke, Lytton Street25First Potteries

Today Matthew was in the residential unit and he was going out on the bus. Matthew got up around 08:00 and had toast for breakfast. before Matthew went to Belper he watched buses out of the window. whilst waiting for the time to go to Belper and we saw First Potteries 67181 on a #11 to Hanley. After tea Matthew went for a walk to Aldi to get some shopping. We set off onto City Road and we crossed over and onto Manor Street. At the end of manor Street we turned left onto Victoria Road and we went down the hill to Aldi. Matthew brought his shopping and then we got a lucky Seven taxi back to the residential unit. We set off onto Victoria Road and we turned onto Manor Street. We turned right onto City Road and left onto Smithpool Road. We turned left onto Temple Street past the new building under construction and back to the residential unit. Matthew went back upstairs to his room to wait for us to come and pick him up. He watched buses out of the window. We went downstairs and we and we cut through onto City Road to wait a bus to Newcastle. As it got closer we saw that it was D&G Bus 112 on a #1A to Wood Lane.

D&G Bus 112 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre. We continued along Church Street onto Hartshill Road and into the centre of Hartshill. We turned left into the Avenue and left again onto Hilton Road before turning right into the City General Hospital. hospital. As we travelled through the hospital we saw ABC Supreme YA67 VBB. Once through the hospital we turned right onto the A34 and we ran into Newcastle. We crossed the roundabout and we ran up Barracks Road and into the bus station from the South end. Once we got to the bus station we got up and got off the bus. Once we got off the bus. We walked out of the bus station onto Castle Walk and up onto Ironmarket and we went to Queens Gardens where Matthew had a chicken sandwich washed down with can of Irn Bru. Once we had finished the drink we set off onto Ironmarket and right onto Castle Walk. Matthew went to the toilet. We continued onwards to the bus station and we saw First Potteries 63364 on a #11 to Hanley. A few minutes later the bus appeared and it was First Potteries 63116 on a #4 to Hanley.

First Potteries 63116 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Hanley before we sat down near to the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station and onto Barracks Road. We crossed the Jubilee Roundabout and onto the A53. We ran into Basford and over the A500. We ran down into Etruria and over the A500. We continued along the A53 and we turned left onto Forge Lane. We ran out along the Lane and we crossed over the canal before we returned back into Etruria along festival Way. We crossed under the A53 onto Etruria Road. We turned right onto the ring road and we ran around anti-clockwise to Bethesda Street. We turned right onto John Street and we ran up the hill to the bus station. We got up and got off the bus. When we got to Hanley we called for a taxi to Blurton. The taxi appeared and it was a Z Carz taxi. We got in taxi and we set off along onto Lichfield Street and we ran down the hill to Joiners Square. We crossed the roundabout onto Victoria Road and we turned onto Manor Street. We turned right onto City Road and left onto Smithpool Road. We turned left onto Wheildon Road and we ran forwards onto Grove Road. In Heron Cross we turned right onto Blurton Road. As we travelled through Blurton we passed First Potteries 67145 on a #22 to Longton. We continued through Blurton and we turned right onto Church Street and right onto Beaconsfield Drive. We got home. We finished off the Blog and then we went back to the residential unit in the car. We set off through Blurton onto Finstock Avenue and we turned right onto Beaconsfield Drive where we saw silver minibus C11 HTC parked up. We turned left onto Church Road and left again onto Blurton Road. We went through the traffic lights onto Heron Street. We carried on forwards onto Station Bridge Road and we turned left onto Christchurch Street. We turned left onto Masterson Street and we turned right onto Watkin Street. We continued onto Temple Street and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs to his room and we put all his shopping in his cupboard or in the kitchen. Matthew had a can of Irn Bru. He chilled out in his room using his computer and watching buses out of the window. Before tea We went downstairs out for a walk to fetch his tea. we set off onto Temple Street and we turned left onto Smithpool Road. We ordered sausages and chips gravy and then we walked back along Smithpool Road and onto and back to the residential unit. We went upstairs and Matthew went to his room to chill out. Matthew went into the living room to have tea. Matthew ate his sausages and chips gravy followed by a Butterfly cake. Later on we went downstairs and we set off onto City Road and we saw Afford rent-a-car CA70 BHZ outside there yard.

Afford rent-a-car CA70 BHZ in Fenton
A short time later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 67180 on a #11 to Newcastle.

First Potteries 67180 in Fenton
We got on the bus and we booked to Newcastle before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off down City Road and we ran down the hill over the old railway line to Leek and onto the A52. We ran under the railway line and over the A500 and straight into Stoke town centre along Church Street. After a brief stop in Stoke we continued along church Street and forwards onto Hartshill Road. We ran up the hill and into Hartshill. We ran forwards onto George Street and we ran down the hill into Newcastle. We turned left at the roundabout onto Barracks Road and into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. We set off onto Hassell Street and we turned right onto High Street and we visited a cash machine. We turned left into Church Street and we turned left onto Bridge Street and we went under the subway on to the A34. We turned left Dunkirk and we saw white minibus SN56 FCL. We walked up Castle Hill Road and we right onto Stanier Street. When we got into the building Matthew went to the toilet. Afterwards Matthew went outside and went on the slide. Matthew waned to go inside for a glass of Coke. He also spent time in the soft play area. When we had finished we said goodbye and we returned to Fenton in a bus. We set off onto Stanier Street and we turned left onto the A525. We turned right onto the Southbound A34 and we went under the subway and we walked up Stubbs street and into the bus station. We waited for a bus back to Hanley. A short time later we saw D&G Bus 136 on a #85 to Nantwich. A few minutes later we saw a bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was First Potteries 35945 on a #25 to Hanley.

First Potteries 35945 in Newcastle bus station
We got on the bus and we booked to Stoke before sitting down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off out of the bus station onto barracks Road and we ran down onto the Southbound A34. We turned left into the hospital and we ran through the grounds and onto Hilton Road. We continued onto Albany Road and we turned right onto The Avenue. At the end of the road we turned right onto the A52 and we ran through Hartshill and down the hill into Stoke town centre. We went forwards onto Church Street and the bus topped in the town centre. After a brief stop we continued over the A500 and we got up and got off the bus just before the railway bridge. We walked up City Road and we cut across onto Temple Street and into the residential unit. Matthew went up to his room to chill out on his computer and watch music videos on his television. later on Matthew had a bath and then had toast for supper. He then chilled out in his room until bedtime around 23:00... Mark.

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