Bus | From | To | Service | Operator |
89 | Warrington Interchange | Orford, Winwick Road College | 21 | Network Warrington |
68 | Orford, Winwick Road College | Warrington Interchange | 19 | Network Warrington |
201 | Warrington Interchange | Grappenhall, Albert Road | Cat6 | Network Warrington |
206 | Grappenhall, Albert Road | Warrington Interchange | Cat5 | Network Warrington |
73 | Warrington Interchange | Hulme, Chiltern Road | 21 | Network Warrington |
211 | Hulme, Chiltern Road | Warrington Interchange | 21 | Network Warrington |
Today we decided to re-visit Warrington. We asked Matthew where he wanted to go within around 50 miles and Matthew chose to go to Warrington. Matthew did his own research, visiting the Network Warrington website and downloading the map and sending to a phone by e-mail. We also checked the price of a day ticket. And we looked to see what Fairbrothers had in their current fleet. We checked the weather and it was for warm weather with sunny intervals with the chnace of an odd shower. Matthew got up around 09:30 and had toast and orange juice for breakfast. We set off just before 12:00 onto the A5035 and we saw Stanton's of Stoke minibus NXJ 321 in a layby. We turned right onto Stanley Matthews Way and at the end we joined the Westbound A50. When we got to Sideway we joined the Northbound A500 which was very busy. There had been an accident on the Northbound M6 and traffic had diverted onto the A500. We needed petrol so we headed up the Wolstanton to go to the petrol statipon at Adsa. On the way to the petrol station we saw
Glovers AIG 7450 & Club Travel CT04 BUS. We came off the A500 and we ran up to the petrol station. After filling up we returned to the Northbound A500. We came to a stand about 1 1.2 mils South of the M6. It took us around 20 minutes to get to the motorway. As we queues we saw Intercity OU59 EFH, Stanton's of Stoke TPY 245, Rosevile EJ61 VGZ, Edwards BX65 WCZ (#375), Yourbus 4028 (#550), Park's of Hamilton BV67 JYW( #570), Ausden Clark CRZ 6381, Selwyn's BX16 CKA(#323), Bruce's Coaches FN63 PWK(#532), Travel De Courcey FJ13 EAK, blue minibus BV67 KVW & white minibus GN60 EFZ. Eventually we got onto the Northbound M6 and it was busy but mving Well. As we travelled up to Junction 20A we saw an unidentified Weardale coach, Park's of Hamilton HSK 656(#540) & D Hurst N12 RFL. We came off the M6 onto the Northbound A50. As we travelled into town we saw Roseville BG07 XCN. After we crossed over the ship canal we turned left onto Station Road. We followed the road around onto Wash Lane and we joined the Westbound A5061. As we travelled through Latchford we noticed large crowds of people. We had decided to come to Warrintgon on the same day as a music festival. We continued into town and at the big roundabout that straddles the river Mersey we went Northwards onto Mersey Street. We turned left onto Midland Way and then we went past the bus station and into the car park for the Golden Square shopping centre. Once we had parked up we made our war through the shopping centre to the bus station. We stopped at the toilets and Matthew used the facilities. We decided to go and have dinner at Wetherspoons so we crossed over Winwick Street onto Scotland Road. As we approached Cockhedge Way we saw Network Warrington 194 on a shuttle service to the music festival.
Network Warrington 194 in Warrington |
Park up on layover in between runs on the shuttle service was Network Warrington 155.
Network Warrington 155 in Warrington |
We continued along the road the pub abd we got a table outside. It was extremely busy as people had come to get drinks before continuing to the festival. Mum placed an order using the Wetherspoons app and we waited outside for the food. Whilst we waited we saw quite a few buses go past. Highlights of the bus sightings included JM Travel coach P522 NMA gping Northwards.
JM Travel P522 NMA in Warrington |
We also saw Orion Travel coach YJ13 HTX going South.
Orion Travel YJ13 HTX in Warrington |
For dinner Matthew had a chicked and beefburger in a bun with fries washed down with a glass of Coke. When we had finished eating we said goodbye to mum and we set off up Scotland Road back to the bus station. We enetered the bus station and we quickly looked for something we could catch. We spotted Network Warrington 89 on #21 Orford circular.
Network Warrington 89 in Warrington Interchange |
We decided to do this bus so we got on and bought Day tickets at £5.95 each before we sat down towards the rear of the bus. A quick consultation of the buses I travelled on revealed the bus to be dud. We had been on this bus
into Leigh on the #19 back in August 2016. The bus set off along the bus station and turned around to head back onto Winwick Street. We went under the railway line past Warrington Central station and we saw Copeland's Tours MIB 293 on Rail Replacement work. At the roundabout we veered right onto Pinners Brow. We crossed over the A49 onto Orford Lane and we followed the road around a right hand bend. We turned left onto Orford Avenue and we followed the road to the right onto Norris Street. We turned left onto Hallifelds Road and we turned rihght onto Smiths Drive. At the roundabout we turned left onto the A50 and right onto Poplars Avenue. We ran the entire length of the Avenue which is about a mile long and we followed the road around a left hand bend onto Cotswold Road. We stopped outside some shops before continuing Southwards. We decided to stay on the bus until we reached the A49. We ran forwards onto Sandy Lane and at the next roundabout we turned right onto Northway. At the end of Northwards we turned right onto the A50 and then left onto the A49. We got up and got off the bus. Matthew took another picture of Network Warrington 89 as it continued back towards Warrington.
Network Warrington 89 in Orford |
Once off the bus we consulted the electronic display which said that the next bus was due in around 3 minutes. Whilst we waited we spotted D Hurst N12 RFL going North towards Winwick.
D Hurst N12 RFL in Orford |
A few minutes later we saw the bus approaching. It was required Network Warrington 68 on a #19 to Warrington.
Network Warrington 68 in Orford |
We got on the bus and we flashed the day ticket to the driver before we sat down towards back of the bus. The bus was quite full as people were travelling down to the festival. It was quite lively journey as we travlled down thw A49 to the edge of town. We turned left onto PInners Brow and Left onto Winwick Street. Most of the revellers got off by the railway station as that is where one of the shuttles departed from. We ran under the railway line and we turned right into the bus station. We let the bus empty and Matthew took a picture inside Network Warrington 68 before we got off.
Inside Network Warrington 68 |
Once off the bus we decided to walk around the other side of the bus station to get a few bus pictures. We set off onto Winwick Street and we crossed over. We crossed over Crown Street and we crossed back over Winwick Street under the railway bridge to get to the bus station. We walked along the walkway and we looked at the buses on layover. We saw Network Warrington 207 on layover in between Cat services.
Network Warrington 207 in Warrington Interchange |
At the roundabout at the other end we saw Network Warrington 93 on a #21 to Orford.
Network Warrington 93 in Warrington Interchange |
We saw that you could get back into the bus station at the other end by the car park. We entered the bus station and we went to look for something to catch. The was a Cat service about to go so we went over to have look. It was required Network Warrington 201 on a Cat6 service to Grappenhall via Stockton Heath.
Network Warrington 201 in Warrington Interchange |
We decided to do this bus. We got on and we flashed the day tickets to the driver before we sat down near to the back of the bus. We set off out of the bus station and under the car park. We turnd left onto Leigh Street and right onto Sankey Street. We turned left onto Parker Street and past Warrintgon Bank Quay railway station where we saw Paul's of Stoke Y12 POS on a rail replacement service. We turned right onto Sluchers Lane and left onto Centre park Square. We continued onto a roundabout and forwards onto the A49. We headed Southwards into Stockton Heath and we crossed over the A56. We turned left onto Dingleway and at the end we turned left onto Bridge Lane. We turned left onto Lumb Brook Lane. We turned right onto the A56 and we ran Eastwards. We had a brief stop at a bus stop and we saw that the bus in front was empty so Matthew took a picture inside Network Warrington 201.
Inside Network Warrington 201 |
We continued Eastwards for a short while and we turned left onto East View. We turned left onto the A50 and at the next stop we got up and got off the bus. We sat at the bus stop and waited for the next cat5 back to Warrington. Whilst we waited we saw Robinsons FN04 JZV on a Holiday trip returning from Tenby.
Robinsons FN04 JZV in Grappenhall |
The bus was running a ltiile late. Whilst we waited Matthew ate a packet of Milky Stars whilst we waited for the bus. The Cat5 appeared running just in front of the following Cay6 service. As it got closer we saw that it was required Network Warrington 206.
Network Warrington 206 in Grappenhall |
We got on the bus and we flashed the day ticket to the driver before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We set off along the A50 and we ran forwards onto Hunts Lane. We ran forwards onto Ackers Road and we turned right onto the A56. We turned left onto Lumb Brook Road and right onto Bridge lane. We turned right onto Dingleway and at the end we turned right onto the A49. We ran Northwards into Stockon Heath and up to the edge of town. We past the Nework Warrington bus depot and the adjacent coach depot and we ran forwards onto park Boulevard. We crossed over Centre Park Square and we turned right onto Slutchers Lane. We turned right onto Parker Street and we saw D Hurst N12 RFL outside the railway station. We turned right onto Sankey Street and left onto Leigh Street. We turned right and we ran under the car park and into the bus station from the West end. We ran to the roundabout on Winwick Street and we turned around and cam back into the bus station. We got up and got off the bus and Matthew went to the toilet. We saw required Network Warrington 155 on layover and we hoped that it might work, but it was in between runs on the shuttle. It had gone 17:00 so we needed to catch another bus quickly. We walked to the other end of the bus station and we saw required Network Warrington 73 on a #21 to Orford.
Network Warrington 73 in Warrington Interchange |
We got on the bus and we flashed the ticket to the driver before we sat down towards the back of the bus. The bus set off along the bus station and turned around to head back onto Winwick Street. We went under the railway line past Warrington Central station. At the roundabout we veered right onto Pinners Brow. We crossed over the A49 onto Orford Lane and we followed the road around a right hand bend. We turned left onto Orford Avenue and we followed the road to the right onto Norris Street. We turned left onto Hallifelds Road and we turned rihght onto Smiths Drive. At the roundabout we turned left onto the A50 and right onto Poplars Avenue. We ran the entire length of the Avenue which is about a mile long and we followed the road around a left hand bend onto Cotswold Road. We decided to get up and get off the bus. Matthew took another picture of Network Warrington 73 as it continued back towards Warrington.
Network Warrington 73 in Hulme |
Once off the bus we decided to visit the Co-operative food store and do some shopping. Matthew had a couple of small bottle of Coke as well as a couple of chocolate bars. We went out to the stop and a few minute later we saw a required bus approaching. As it got closer we saw it was Network Warrington 211 on a #21 to Warrington.
Network Warrington 211 in Hulme |
We got on the bus and we flashed the ticket to the driver for the final time today before we sat down towards the back of the bus. We ran forwards onto Sandy Lane and at the next roundabout we turned right onto Northway. At the end of Northwards we turned right onto the A50 and then left onto the A49. We continued Southwards to Jubilee Way and we ran down to The Orford Centre. After passing the bus stop we returned to the A49. We turned left onto PInners Brow and Left onto Winwick Street. We ran under the railway line and we turned right into the bus station where we got up and got off the bus. Matthew went to the toilet and we decided to take a few picture before meeting uo with mum. We walked clockwise around the bus station to the layover lane and we saw Network Warrington 195 which had been working on shuttle services earlier in the day.
Network Warrington 195 in Warrington Interchange |
Also seen was Arriva NW&W 3047 on layover in between #7's to Liverpool.
Arriva NW&W 3047 in Warrington Interchange |
We crossed over Winwick Street and Crown Street and we turned left onto Scotland Road. We walked towards the pub and we waited on the wall for mum to come and pick us up. Whilst we waited we saw First Manchester 37442 on a #100 to Manchester.
First Manchester 37442 in Warrington |
Due to road layout mum was unable to get to us easily, so we ended up walk down Scotland and around the corner onto Buttermarket. We got in the car and mum was waiting with some doghnuts and a can of Irn Bru for Matthew. We set off onto Academy Street and the sat-nav sent us down Bridge Street. This was not a through road for car so we returned onto Friars gate and left onto Barbauld Street. We crossed over the big roundabout and we exited town along the A5061. We past the festiavl site and we continued through Latchford. We crossed over the ship canal and we ran forwards onto the A50. We joined the M6 at Junction 20A and we ran Sluthwards into Staffordshire. Travelling home along the M6 we saw Coastal Coaches BF67 WKG, Copeland's Tours MIB 293, Springfields F13 HOW, Alfa 80 & Rotala Hallmark 11524. We came off the M6 at junction 16 and as we travelled Southwards we saw Ace Travel SF11 HZE parked in the first layby. We ran into Stoke-on-Trent and at Sideway we joined the Eastbound A50. We came off the A50 at Longton and we turned left onto Baths Road. We turned right into tesco and we filled up with petrol. Once we had filled up we ran along the hight level of the A50 and around past the site of the new Lidl. We came off the A50 and we went to check out what was at Z carz this evening. There was nothing on the spare ground so we turned left into Willow Row. The only bus we could see was Z Carz blue minibusn BN61 RWK parked up behind a car.
Z Carz BN61 RWK in Longton |
We went West along the A50 to Heron Cross and we turned left onto Blurton Road. By the BP garage we saw Alfa 64. We continued up to Church Road and we turned right into Beaconsfield Drive and we got back home at 19:30. When we got back for a late tea Matthew had sausage chips and gravy followed by a hortbread snack biscuit. We did an e-mail and we wrote some of the Blog. Matthew went to bed around 02:00.... Mark.